This is an increase of 30% over the preceding 12 months and more than double the 5,000-odd installed only two years earlier. Now to the actual calculations you need. Small solar panels Yet, you can also find panels … Save Power | Save Money | Save the Planet. Finally select all the appliances that will require power. how much of your consumption you are looking to offset with your own generation. It can also be used to provide misleading economics and savings calculations. According to the calculator, the best thing I could do to improve the economics of solar would be to start working from home. The area of ‘optimal’ roof space you have available for solar panels. Please, use the update button below the calculator body to update the … She is at home during the day with two kids, and actively works hard to maximise self-consumption by using appliances such as the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher etc during the middle of the day. How did they get this figure? So, to offset 50% of my 8,400 kWh on an annualised basis I would size my system for 4200 kWh per year. You can't correctly size your solar PV system unless you know how much electricity your home uses. If you want to install solar panels, you should weigh up the potential costs against the potential savings. The recommendation could be for a solar power system that generates 50% of your average monthly energy consumption. If however you are on a prepaid meter (the evil things) then you will need put a power … There has recently been an uproar from solar customers in Australia as their government has moved away from subsidising solar with artificially high buy-back rates. “What size solar system do I need?” The size of your solar power system, and therefore the number of solar panels you need, should be informed by your electricity usage patterns and what you want to achieve.. The benefits of solar power panels need to be carefully weighed against the costs, EECA says. The typical homeowner will need 28 – 34 solar panels to cover 100% of their energy usage (dependent on location and roof size). Also consider the condition of your roof. This is why I am writing this article, to help you install the most efficient solar system for you. Calculate the amount of solar panels you will need to heat your pool. Well, it’s all the energy generated by the recommended 3.24 kWp package multiplied by 25c electricity price. With solar, if you’re not using the power generated by your panels then it is typically exported to the local power grid for others to use. When choosing the best system size for your property, there are three key factors you will need to determine: The proportion of your electricity usage you are aiming to meet with solar energy. I want to ensure that you get the most out of your solar power system and don’t get ripped off. This will maximise the return on your solar investment and avoid your panels being just an expensive ornament. Solar System Output Calculator; ... Write down how big your solar system would need to be in kW. The most important point to remember is that your solar system output should match your consumption habits. For instance, monocrystalline photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are known to be the most efficient solar panels … This method can be inspiring for homeowners, dreaming of generating 50% of their own power usage. Also, note the difference in price between export and import. A typical American home will need 14-36 … This is a basic method, best used at a local level by a trusted solar power installer who has a solid understanding of the local area. This can be done in a number of ways. Click here to use our interactive solar power system calculator or to find your local solar panel technician. Therefore : To ensure the best return on your solar investment, the amount of power you generate must be matched to your power consumption habits. Equally, when sizing the output of your solar power system there is no substitute for actual power usage history. Buy-Back Rates are (unfortunately) Rubbish, Options for Solar Power System Sizing (in brief), Watch the Small Print & Remember the Importance of Self-Consumption, Your solar goals – personal, environmental and financial, Where you live and how much sunlight you get, and (of course), You are considering a smaller solar installation, There is the ability to shift load such as your hot water cylinder using timers, Appliances such as washing machines can be delayed to start during the middle of the day, and/or. Before you start shopping for solar installers and debating solar panels, inverters and efficiencies – you should first look inwards. Ideally, we’re looking for a north-facing roof or elevation, free from shading and at a pitch of between 10 and 40 degrees. The number of solar panels needed=5000/240=20.8 solar panels. New Zealand Average Installation Sizes Residential installations in NZ can vary from a small 1.5 kW installation, up to sizable three-phase solar systems of 8 – 10 kW. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ll back up a moment. From this you can figure out the average daily usage. Be it six days or six months. Do your homework. One major restriction may be the available, suitable roof area for your solar installation. To get these numbers, we used high and low panel production … What you should aim to determine is the ideal amount of generation you require from your solar power system. Simply select the type of car or motorhome you have, and select your towing unit if you’ll be using one. However, you can have a different number of panels for the same size system. Online store by, LOW FIXED FREIGHT FOR ALL NEW ZEALAND ORDERS. How much can you afford to invest in a solar power install? A 5kW solar system can be made up of … I’ll summarise them quickly here, then go into more detail on each below. Like the oven to cook dinner, TV in the evening, lights when it’s dark and maybe charging the electric vehicle overnight. This is kind of handy, but I the stated “Annual Electricity Cost Saved” figure is a total load of rubbish. The importance of matching generation to consumption is known as also referred to as ‘self-consumption’. So it’s important to be realistic. Once you know how much energy you’re using over the course of a year we can begin to work out how many solar panels you’ll need. They will know how previous installations have performed, how much customers they are saving on their power. Welcome to SPCNZ - the leading solar power installation company in New Zealand. Now, where did my wife hide that packet…. Residential installations in NZ can vary from a small 1.5 kW installation, up to sizable three-phase solar systems of 8 – 10 kW. Let’s consider the Mitsubishi Electric online calculator for solar in New Zealand. As it is a data-driven approach, using your actual power bills, it’s also often the method adopted by online solar calculators and panel manufacturer websites. The solar panel calculator can help you work out what equipment you need … The solar panel calculator can help you work out what equipment you need to fully charge your next camping, caravaning or off-road adventure. In the example above, you would need 24 solar panels to account for 80% of your average consumption (29.6 … 700 x 12 = 8400 kWh per year. Copyright © 2020 REDARC NZ. The number of solar panels that you need depends on the system size that you select. A home that consumes 1,000 kWh per month will normally need between 20 and 30 solar panels. The chart below from demonstrates a typical residential solar scenario, showing the timing difference between what you generate and what you use. As an engineer,  I think there is a place for detail, analysis and optimisation. If I am in Auckland, using 700 kWh per month and my power company charges me 25c per unit of power – the output looks something like this: The website matches the closest Mitsubishi solar package to a 50% usage target, which in this case is the 3.24kWp package. At the end of 2016, there were around 11,000 … During the sunny month of February, this was her household bill: What you should notice is that even with her best efforts, during the sunniest part of the day there was still solar power exported. Off Grid Solar Calculator -Off Grid Solar in this case refers to battery stored solar panel systems, either connected to utility or standalone. There may also be some load you can’t shift. After rounding it up we receive that you need to buy 21 solar panels. Canadian Solar… How Many Solar Panels Do You Need to Power Your Home? Your actual consumption, you will be able to see the influence of large energy consuming appliances such as heat pumps, air-con, pool heaters, hot water cylinders and lighting. No matter whether you are a homeowner or a business owner. Which is totally unrealistic for most people. Will they care if the solar installatioin is 2kW or 5kW? Solar system sizes are measured in kilowatts and, depending on where you are and which direction your roof faces, each kilowatt of your solar panel … If you can talk to installers intelligently around generation output, you are one step ahead of the game. In NZ, although you might pay 25¢ for each unit of power you from your power company, if you export excess power during the day you’ll only receive a paltry 7¢ – 8¢ for each unit sold back. For residential at least. Solar Panel Sizing Calculator For In-Ground Pool Heating. Those solar panels used for residential purposes range from 150 watts to 370 watts per panel, depending on the panel size efficiency and cell technology. The solar panel calculator then estimates how much your total appliance power requirement is per day and suggests products and equipment that will help you meet those needs. Next, we need to look at how many solar panels can fit on your property. However, matching a system size to your power demands won't eliminate your power … Panels have been tested and have good output. Disclaimer: These output calculations use sunlight data supplied by the New Zealand Bureau of Meteorology from most New Zealand … All rights reserved. Most of New Zealand is suited to PV solar panels with good sunshine hours annually. Test how much power you need to deliver to your appliances every day to keep them charged using the REDARC Solar Calculator. The perfect system size will depend most of all on you. This is a really simple calculator that recommends you a solar system size based upon power bill data. Solar panels are a great way of reducing energy bills while lowering your carbon footprint. A friend living north of Auckland has solar. Use the solar panel sizing calculator to determine the right amount of paneling you will need to heat your pool year round. This ‘50%’ figure is also referred to as the ‘grid offset’, i.e. Once you have this data, you can then make an informed decision whether this load can be shifted (manually, or using a smart controller) to the middle of the day to benefit from solar. Which in Auckland equates to around 3 kW of optimally placed solar generation. If you are going off-grid, then a lot more thought needs to go into the sizing decision, coupled with energy efficiency and intelligent storage of surplus energy. This is covered in more detail under solar panel sizing below. Let me demonstrate with a real life example. (2) They are particularly good for our most sunny regions, such as Northland, Auckland, Nelson, Bay of Plenty and Marlborough. For my example, it looks like I will save $1,184.25 (highlighted). You do get paid for this excess energy. Historical usage data from your power meter is reviewed to understand your typical daily and seasonal power usage. But realistically, in my experience, most people go back to their old habits after a while. The recommendation could be for a solar power system that generates 50% of your average monthly energy consumption. Next you choose the auxiliary battery bank size you’ll be running. How many solar panels do I need? A 3 kW installation will generate enough energy to make a significant dent in your power bill, while still being in the $10,000 or less price range. This method is often used in conjunction with the ‘rule of thumb’ sizing and is common for solar installers, online solar calculators and panel manufacturer websites. This sizing guide is focused on grid-tied solar and helping get the best ‘bang for your buck’. Using our tool, we factor in: Improved Shade Analysis – Powered by Google Sunroof data, all estimates consider the shading and irradiance levels of every roof plane, with the panel … If you encounter any display or technical problems, or have any other feedback regarding the Solar Calculator, please send an email to: Few things about solar panel output efficiency. This is even easier if you have a smart meter installed; you should be able to see your daily usage either on the bill or by checking you… Then hit Get Recommendations. Minor scratches and scuffs, typical for a used panel. Solar Calculator. The best way to do this is obtaining your historical power consumption from your power retailer, and analysing this to determine the optimal solar power system size. Ask them about the assumptions made when they demonstrate a five year or seven year payback period. I’ll guide you through the right ways, and wrong ways, to determine your solar power system size in an unbiased, data-driven way. A properly sized solar panel … Read from the start, or use the menu to skip to the sections you are most interested in. REDARC solar panels are easy to use, portable and highly efficient, however it can be difficult to work out which type and how many are best suited for your trip. If you buy more than one panel, all shipped panels will be from the same manufacturer. ... To help people do the maths, it has put a solar calculator on its website. Otherwise, you are gambling that your system will achieve your solar goals. I would caution against this type of rough sizing for power hungry residences and definitely for commercial premises. So… all I am saying is beware or the small print and assumptions when a solar panel manufacturer or installer quotes you savings and payback periods. This will tell you how many panels to use. Or better yet, look at your actual historical consumption and make a fully informed decision. The power output of solar panels is measured in watts (W) and can … You have a solar system controller, which automates this load shifting. Here’s an example from Solar King in Takapuna: For small to medium consumption residential customers, a ‘rule of thumb’ approach can be appropriate in scenarios where some of the following items apply: If some of these items apply, then the risk of dramatically over or under sizing the solar system is pretty low. Different panels will have different watt ratings, so you have choices about which ones to purchase. There is also a place for trial and error, ‘rule of thumb’ and local experience. Solar panel type and quality make a significant difference in terms of solar output and efficiency. Based on their experience with other customers and their solar performance, they can recommend a certain size for your installation. If you are like me and partial to a Tim Tam, you’ll know there is no substitute for quality. For the most accurate and personalized off-grid system size calculation, call our solar … Here’s my household consumption from Monday this week. Sizing your solar investment based upon actual consumption is the best way to avoid over or under-sizing. How much of your power do you want to come from solar. By utilising battery storage (currently not economic), altering your power usage habits, using a smart solar controller or all of the above. Complementing this range are the REDARC Sine Inverters, Regulators and In-Vehicle Chargers, Solar Regulator Cable Kits and other accessories that will create the perfect solar power setup. Is it likely to need painting or replacement anytime soon? Once you have determined the generation required from your solar system, the next step is to look at the practicalities of installation and cost. Only a pittance paid for exported power. Probably the most common means of sizing a solar installation is look at recent power bills, and then sanity check against the solar installer’s experience or ‘rule of thumb’ guide. The rate is known as the ‘solar buy-back rate’ in NZ or ‘feed-in tariff’ overseas. Will the new owner pay a premium price to reflect the solar installation? The average installed system size is around 3.6 kW. For increased accuracy, there must be some input from the home or business owner on their power usage habits to get at least a roughly accurate result. This allows you to talk specifics with potential solar providers. Typical questions that will be asked are: For example, my power bill might show that I am using on average 700 kWh (units) of power per month. But before you can reap the rewards of solar power, you need to establish how many solar panels you need … Lets work out the Watt-Hours we'll be using, our load … Use a low-wattage (150W) and high-wattage (370W) example to establish a range (ex: 17-42 panels … They will definitely hear about the installations that don’t perform as expected. Updated December 11, 2020 The amount of solar panels your home needs depends on the amount of energy your home needs, as well as the efficiency of your panels. REDARC have a range of solar panels and blankets that are designed to the highest quality to maximise efficiency and integrity. Experienced solar installers will know their systems and their local area and will  get feedback from previous customers on a daily basis. Other factors such as peak load, shade, location, available panel space, and seasonal use need to be taken into account. Sizing your solar investment based upon actual consumption is the best way to reliably avoid over or under-sizing. Look at whether you can realistically shift load to fully utilise your generation. Available 250W and 255W panels from: YingLi. My family is no different, we use most of our power when the kids get home from school, I’m cooking tea, Mrs Power Guy is popping the washing on etc. For the example, if 500-watt … has substantially upgraded its solar savings calculator to provide more accurate cost and savings estimates with solar. … The second major restriction is often the installed system cost. While you used to religiously set you dishwasher for midday, you forget every second day and end up putting it on after dinner. There are a couple of options for sizing a solar power system. REDARC solar panels are easy to use, portable and highly efficient, however it can be difficult to work out which type and how many are best suited for your trip. To calculate how many solar panels are needed, multiply a household’s hourly energy requirement by peak sun hours for the area and divide by a panel’s wattage. Divide the watts you need to produce per hour by the rating of the panels you want to purchase and round up. At the end of 2016, there were around 11,000 residential and small commercial solar installations according to the Electricity Authority. To start with we work out what sized batteries we need and then what size solar panels we need to charge them. The easiest way to figure this out is to look at past electricity bills, which should tell you how much power you've used in the previous month or quarter. If you are planning to move on from your property within the next five to seven years, you need to consider whether you will get the expected return on your investment. All you do is plug in your location, average monthly power usage and average cost of each unit (kWh) or electricity. For residences, a system size around 3 kW is popular. If I used a decent amount of energy on weekdays, payback time falls to 15 years … Supplied by SEANZ (the official solar association of New Zealand), this solar calculator can help determine the annual savings and payback period you can expect from a solar power system … It’s just not accurate enough, and there is a serious risk of exporting significant power, not being able to self-consume and having a detrimental effect on system economics. How Many Solar Panels Do You Need? Determine how many solar panels you’ll need One solar panel produces about 1.24 kWh per day. A 6kW solar panel system produces enough electricity to match the average New Zealand household's consumption of grid produced electricity (which is 7,000kWh a year). So back to Australia, they now have an unsubsidised solar environment now very similar to NZ (hence the uproar I guess!). Solar panels convert the light from the sun's rays into electricity, so you don't need … Not all solar panels are the same. These 250W and 255W solar panels are used and in good physical condition. The most important step is to ensure your system is sized correctly in the first place. I work from home during the day, but our consumption remains pretty low apart from the typical evening peak. A good salesperson may sell you on an amazing payback period based upon shifting almost all of your consumption to the sunniest part of the day. Here’s another example from  Energy Matters in Australia, which starts to also consider your home appliances. A standard panel … Solar power systems for households rarely go above 10kW in size. You should aim to use your solar power, not export it. This is the gold standard for sizing a solar system and is especially important if you are using a lot of power, such as a large home or business premises. 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