... " Shikaku told his son. He learned to use them in tandem with his clan's abilities, and uses his fathers Shadow Imitation Shuriken Technique. When he was young, he once played \"ninja\" with other children his age. Im a council in Konohagakure, I have a son called Shikamaru and I have a wife called Yoshino. Shikadai and his team were assigned to watch Tomaru, which Shikadai was upset about, hoping to have been assigned to the beautiful Ashina. A habbit Shikari possesses is smoking, which he is quite the heavy smoker. They confronting Ōnoki, the elderly man , who once learned of their goal to find Mitsuki, turned dark and turned them away. Main article: School Trip Arc While in the manga Boruto's use of his Kote lead him to being disqualified for cheating which resulted in Shikadai being reinstated into the tournament as the winner of their match, in the anime, the cheating goes unnoticed, resulting in Boruto progressing to the final match. He never wanted to get married to his wife, and especially not when he had no say in the matter. As the scientist gassed the boy to begin harvesting his heart, Shikadai was feigned going unconscious and avoided breathing the gas by straggling himself. Continuing talking with Boruto, they encountered a Byakuya Gang thief that was being chased by Temari. they've actually been dating since they were Genin - since they were twelve. When Temari learned that the winner of an eating competition would get unlimited free dumplings from Ankorodō for one year, she forced Shikamaru and Shikadai to compete, wanting the prize for herself. This article, Shikari Nara, is property of XXDemonicLove. During the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack, Inoichi and his team-mate… Upon arriving outside the village, it was decided that Inojin stay outside with the Akuta as to not draw any attention. Two weeks later, he warned Boruto not to get into more trouble, thinking Boruto would get suspended again for skipping class to fight Iwabee Yuino. On the day of the final round, the event was structured as a one verse one tournament, leading to Shikadai being pitted against Yodo. He was best friends with Minato before he died, a brother even. As the two talked about the value of trust, Boruto insisted that Mitsuki was indeed his friend. Shikaku Nara, a nice guy who would do anything for his own son. Main article: Kawaki Arc [4] Ultimately, his talents led to him being the first of his graduating class to become a chūnin, personally selected by the Seventh Hokage himself. Boruto suggested they go seek the help of Ōnoki. His attributes are: 180 in intelligence, 130 in negotiations, 112 in dexterity, 90 in strength, 145 in perception, and 120 in chakra. Trying to make sense of their conversation, Suigetsu approached and threatened the pair, leading to them nervously agreeing to help Mitsuki. Afterwards, it was decided for Boruto to head on with Shinki and Shukaku while Temari tended to her wounds with Shikadai and resumed their search for Kankurō. Shikadai managed to sneak into the Tsuchikage's office to contact his father via phone, revealing that Iwagakure was taken over as part of a plan by Ōnoki. Yoshino loved Temari the time she heard her berate her son. Shikaku Nara has had a hard life ever since Yoshino died giving birth to their youngest son. Later, at the Training Hall, Shikadai watched Boruto fight the Seventh Hokage alongside other genin. To their surprise, the instead found Mitsuki talking secretly with Suigetsu Hōzuki. Sai and other Konoha-nin the appeared after alerted by Inojin. [11] As a member of his generation's Ino–Shika–Chō, Shikadai is learning cooperation ninjutsu techniques with Inojin and Chōchō, synchronising their respective hiden techniques. RELATED: Naruto: 10 Pieces of Kakashi Fan Art You Need to See Being acquainted with Mirai Sarutobi since his birth, the two developed a sibling-like relationship during their training under his father. Shikamaru is 16. Ultimately, it was agreed to go venture on to Iwagakure and retrieve Mitsuki. They also met Sumire's replacement for Team 15, Tsubaki Kurogane a samurai student from the Land of Iron. Chōji happened to be sitting in the same spot whe… During the Kyuubi's attack on Konoha, Shikaku and his team-mates assisted in the village's defence. Intrigued by Boruto's determination, Garaga accepted the terms. Then, a power generator began to malfunction and was at risk of exploding. Nara Shikaku is the father of Nara Shikamaru and the husband of Nara Yoshino. Garaga scoffed at such a notion, wishing he could be there to watch Boruto's hopes crushed. Main article: Genin Mission Arc A stash of some kush … Sealing Technique: Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals, Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness, Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Shikadai_Nara?oldid=1376784, Before Shikadai was born, the counsellors of Sunagakure stated that if his uncles die without heirs, he, as a descendant of. He is also very resorcefull, being able to use random ninja tools to his advantage. They ultimately caught up to Shinki and Shukaku as they were attacked by the last of Urashiki's last puppet. For example, Silver Queen's piece to the right shows Shikako in her special jounin outfit (third from the left, with the bone-white shin- and arm-guards) and in sage mode (second from the left, with white streaks in her hair). Despite not getting the bell, Kakashi chose to pass everyone as they succeeded in the test's true goal; team-work and loyalty. 1.54 m
5.052 ft
60.63 in
. Later, after Boruto and his team's victory over Deepa, Shikadai and his friends found Denki setting up an experiment to improve radio communications. Whilst his time as a Genin, Shikari excelled at his Jutsu training and within most fields, If he improved his motivation, Shikari would become one of the greatest Shinobi which he gets told often by other Shinobi and his peers. Instead he made deal; Garaga would enter a summoning contract with him to see Mitsuki himself and if Mitsuki did betray Boruto, the snake could eat Boruto. Whenever using Taijutsu it often comes as a surprise to his opponents as he prefers to use skills such as the Nara hiden arts or Ninjutsu. It can be used to grab multiple objects like explosive tags, and attach them to a trapped opponent. While Shikamaru told his son to stay hidden, Shikadai insisted that he figured out enough to make a move against the enemy. 700 ] He inherits his father's relaxed unenthusiastic personality and fighting style through the Shadow Imitation Technique while blunt and … Shikadai using his clan's hiden techniques. [1][5] Since early childhood, his training was supervised by his parents and Mirai, with the goal to pass on their techniques to Shikadai. Anticipating the Iwa shinobi to turn hostile, the meeting was strategically held at the borderline of the Land of Wind, knowing that the Fourth Kazekage would oversee the meeting should a battle breakout on his land. [9], Like both his parents, Shikadai is a natural strategist and tactician, constantly taking a methodical and analytical approach to battle to stay steps ahead of the opponent. Following attending the entrance ceremony for the Chūnin Exams, the three raced towards the first exam venue in the time provided in order to not get eliminated. While nearly working, the foe proved to strong and moved in to finish Inojin. Upon arriving, the perpetrator was revealed to be Tsurushi Hachiya and his gang of delinquents. Upon arriving home, he told his mother to tell Ino that his stomach was hurting, simply to get out of having to train, and greeted his uncle Gaara casually, earning a reprimand from his mother, but shrugged it off and asked for his other uncle Kankurō instead. After being told how Kankurō was joining Boruto and Shinki in escorting Shukaku to Konohagakure, Temari trusted the Suna-nin to take care of Gaara while she and Shikadai went ahead. In their journey through the cave, they found several massive stone snake statue before ultimately being attacked by Garaga. He excels at reading his opponent's tactics and battle patterns to anticipate how they will act, letting him seamlessly device a proper countermeasure. They were soon intercepted however by Kokuyō. Being always aware of his surrondings and easily able to see through many deceptions makes casting Genjutsu on Shikari a large challenge. Developing a plan to combat Shino, Shikadai and Boruto acted as distraction while Mitsuki submerged and electrocuted their teacher in a lake, which freed him. Shikari, just like his father if he wasn't so lazy could further his abilties and become a large and famous Shinobi, Shikari often states that being well known is "Too cool" for him, he perfers to sit and remain within the shadows. Despite this, Boruto and Sarada decided to sneak out to find Mitsuki. During their struggle, the exam reached its time limit. As Boruto began to apologise, Shikadai calmly told Boruto to focus on saving his father as they could chat afterwards, forgiving him and wishing him good look. Boruto refused to give up, begging the sage to reconsider. During these Fishing Days - which can extend weeks at a time - Shikari stops smoking, just there to fish and enjoy the atmosphere. As the others began to enjoy themselves, the woman insisted that after they eat, they could ask the sage about Mitsuki. This succeeded in splitting up Team Moegi between the jōnin and her students. In the anime, Shikadai later overhead Enchū Nara voice his dismay at how lacklustre the clan has been appearing since the end of the Fourth World Shinobi War. Shikari has the ability of both Fire Release and Wind Release manipulation. As the other genin continued their pursuit, they found the remains of a sand creature, which Boruto recognised as the same thing that attacked Mitsuki's snake. After the thieves jumped on a Thunder Train, the pair followed them aboard. While seemingly working, Shinki's Black Iron Fist was completely ineffective against Deepa's super durable body, who swiftly defeated them. Shikamaru as a child. Having not fallen into the ink while also saving Inojin and Chōchō from falling in, the team passed the first round. Ultimately, the Fabrications were defeated, thanks to the personal sacrifice of the Third Tsuchikage. Upon hearing that he and the rest of the class will be going through graduation exams in a week, Shikadai found little interest in the idea. Later, Kū's scientist concluded that transplanting a human heart would likely stabilise the artificial humans. Instead, Inojin was saved by the efforts of the tiny Akuta Inojin befriended and named Akkun. Shikari wields bladed weapons similar to Asuma Sarutobi, and being quite capable of infusing his Taijutsu skills with those weapons. Chat. Despite this, Shikari is however quite noble and if his comrades are in danger he will come to their aid for protection, having a somewhat noble personality. Using a diversion, he helped his fellow genin escape. [4] For instance, he was personally offended when Boruto revealed he was cheating in the video game the two play with Inojin. In the anime, the Seventh Hokage personally assigned Team 10 their first mission, which involved chauffeuring around a client. [4] He also has a fierce rivalry with Boruto. When Shikamaru's dad tells him to hide "a certain something" in the wooden box on the left hand shelf of his closet without letting his mother find out before he dies, what do you guys think was in there? He was also disappointed at how slowly Shikadai was progressing in his training as the only son of the Shikamaru, the head of the Nara clan. Following a possessed Magire abducting Sumire, Shikadai and Boruto engaged in a fight against the culprit, which ended after Chōchō freed him of his possession. Anticipating the Iwa shinobi to turn hostile, the meeting was strategically held at the borderline of the Land of Wind, knowing that the Fourth Kazekagewould oversee the meeting should a battle breakout on his own land. The next day, the students for set against Academy teachers and Kakashi Hatake during the twenty four hour practical portion of the exams. Several weeks later, Shakadai's class took part in a training exercise, during which the Ino–Shika–Chō faced Metal, Mitsuki and Boruto in a game of capture the flag, which resulted in their team losing. At the same time, he cares very much about his clan, not wanting to let down it or his family in not living up to its reputation. Accepting his mistake in judgement, he made amends with everyone and together they were able to rescue Tonsuke while capturing the bandits and securing the gekkōran to complete their mission. By order of the Hokage, Amado was taken in for questioning. After the gang committed multiple robberies, Team 10 was assigned alongside other genin teams to assist in their capture, though they were instructed not to engage them in battle. He was also given a skill rating in these particular areas. They noticed Boruto and Mitsuki rushing from a distance, and wondered what was happening. During his studies, Shikadai learned about the Byakuya Gang who stole a collection of jewels from Konoha Bank. Over his shirt is his modified flak jacket with more scroll holsters and pouches for Kunai or other tools ready to be used for his advantage in battle. Wanting to find answers, Shikadai convinced his team-mates to help Boruto and Sarada. After class at the Academy was dismissed, Shikadai warned Boruto not to pursue his prank because of the five Kage meeting. Shikadai bears a strong resemblance to his father and paternal grandfather. Using a plan of Shikadai, they were able to lead Kokuyō into a trap. By using the Shadow Imitation Technique to connect his own shadow with his target's, he can force them to mimic his own movements or restrict their movements entirely. While the Ino-Shika-Chō trio were training, they were approached Kara's chief scientist, Amado. Afterwards, as a possessed repairman went on a rampage at the Academy, Shikadai and other classmates decided to handle the matter, leading to the group freeing him of being manipulated. Having cold feet about the situation, Moegi resorted to handing the pair letters from their mothers, which frighteningly persuaded them to take part in the exams. Afterwards, Ashina was arrested. Shikari wields bladed weapons similar to, ​Shikari is one of the authors favourite Characters, The Powers are similar to Shikamaru Nara and also Asuma Sarutobi, Two of the Authors favourite Characters. He has black-coloured, spiky hair, tied up in a ponytail, and his mother's teal-coloured eyes. The next day, Mitsuki enrolled into Shikadai's class, leading to the entire class partaking in a party to welcome him the next day. Main articles: Boruto: Naruto the Movie and Versus Momoshiki Arc. His intelligence is highly adaptable, making his use to out-smart his opponents despite if they share a large advantage over him. Or: A for want of a nail story in which Nara Shikaku becomes Hokage after Minato’s death and promptly turns everything on its head. [7] During the Chūnin Exams, he was able to defeat Sunagakure's top genin Yodo,[8] and was considered well-above the level of Kumo-elite genin Yurui. The Ino-Shika-Chō trio decided to hold him off as Boruto and Sarada went on ahead. Hearing about how they call themselves noble thieves because they steal riches to support the poor, Shikadai acknowledged that while stealing is wrong, the world is not always so clear-cut on right and wrong. As Ōnoki began explaining the nature of his plans and his genuine desire to protect people, realising that with his secret out in the open, he would have to accelerate his plans before the other Great Shinobi Countries learned. Wind Release for Shikari is quite useful, as he can control his wind chakra and make objects such as Kunai levitate and throw around an arena. Ask. Like his father some say his Intelligence on an I.Q test reached lengthed of the 200's, which is unmeasurable intelligence . Shikamaru was born into the Nara clan to Shikaku and Yoshino. During his fight against Boruto, Shikadai said he had at least 12 countermeasures in place if Boruto had used the Rasengan.[4]. Thank you for everything sir! " Shikari is a tall stern man with long black hair worn within a ponytail held by a red felt cord. In the anime, when Shikadai joined his father and Boruto for a meal, they encountered Mirai, who was getting ready for a mission accompanying the Sixth Hokage and Might Guy. When he became a genin, Shikaku was partnered with Chōza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka under an unknown member of the Sarutobi clan. Nara Shikaku was the clanhead of the Nara clan and jonin commander of Konohagakure. In the anime, around this time, Shikamaru, along with Choji and Yamanaka Ino went searching for a set of kunais that Choji lost. He appears to have accepted the fact that she's the dominant of the two of them and avoids doing anything to provoke her. After reporting their finds to Sunagakure, Shikadai's team meet up with Shinki's team. Currently he also shows some interest in starting a … Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day Arc What are the mechanics of summoning a death god? The trio soon after caught up to their friends, where they learned of Mitsuki's betrayal upon attacking Boruto and leaving with the enemies. Shikadai nervously eating his meal with his mother angrily behind him. In the anime, Shikadai was assigned with his team to join Team Shinki to search for one of Urashiki's remaining puppets in the Land of Wind. As the two refused to come back peacefully, they created a distraction and then attempted a decoy with Boruto's shadow clones. Wanting to prove his worth for his clan, Shikadai began using his clan's hiden techniques exclusively on missions, which caused his team to mess up in various missions. Continuing their investigation, the three got help from others students in facing the culprit behind the incidents. Anticipating the Iwa shinobi to turn hostile, the meeting was strategically held at the borderline of the Land of Wind, knowing that the Fourth Kazekage would oversee the meeting should a battle breakout on his land.Durin… Eventually, they found themselves in a foggy canyon. Telling Shikadai about how connections to the Fire Daimyō and the latter's interest in teaching politics to promising young people, he offered Shikadai a two year internship under the Fire Daimyō, insisting that it would be a great honour, which Shikadai strongly considered. In a last blind effort to keep her fame by burying the truth, she attempted to blow up the area. She instructed the pair to assist her in apprehending the criminal, though Shikadai hesitated, which resulted in the thief escaping. NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc. ōnin rather fast. Concerned that Boruto's goal in training was purely to defeat Deepa, he voiced his refusal to let his best friend recklessly face down such a dangerous foe. Intrigued by Boruto, Tentō decided to leave Iwabee alone and his friends alone. Shikadai freeing Ryōgi from being controlled. He and the others began teaching him Extreme: Shinobi Picture Scrolls. He has a long-standing friendship with Chōji Akimichi. As only Boruto wished to speak with the sage, Shikadai and the others were separated from him and knocked out. On Shikari's Right leg bears the symbol of Fire, showing his membership to the twelve guardian Ninja. What was in Shikaku Nara's box? Despite Shinki destroying the puppet rather than letting Deepa have it, he let them live. Using every ounce of his famous Nara intellect and cunning, Shikaku struggles to outmaneuver hidden enemies in order to keep his village and family safe. Shikamaru Nara (奈良 シカマル, Nara Shikamaru) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto.In the anime and manga, Shikamaru is a ninja affiliated with the village of Konohagakure. They were also given a special tracking-pig named Tonsuke that could locate the flowers by scent. His son had brought a girl home. More Kamui! Shikari wears the standard Jōnin outfit consiting of a grey shirt and long blue pants. While Ōnoki told his son to gently takes the prisoners away, Boruto and the others chose to resist, and a fight ensured. They were accompanied by Metal, Inojin, and their respective fathers. After he was cleared, he saw a distraught Boruto running out, loathing himself for how he made things turn out with his father. Shikari greatest trait and advantage is his superior intelligence and mental capacities. Shortly afterwards, they were attacked by Urashiki, who stole some of their chakra and knocked them out. The puppet's large array of weapons and attack styles made it difficult for the shinobi to battle off as Temari was ultimately wounded and partially paralysed while protecting her son. When he became a genin, Shikaku was partnered with Chōza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka.In the anime, nearing the end of the Third Shinobi World War, his team was assigned to deliver a request for a peace treaty between the Konoha and Iwa. He decided for Boruto's training to focus his Rasengan on a single point to improve its penetrative power. Managing to capture Boruto and his clones with his shadow, Boruto resorted to cheating by using his Kote to create multiple shadow clones. Perfect for the role of clan matriarch. In the anime, he can also effectively perform fūinjutsu, able to restrict a person's movements and expand the might of this alongside fellow users.[12]. In the anime, when the lead actors of a popular TV drama, Tomaru and Ashina received a death threat if they continued filming their show, Team 10 was assigned to protect the actors alongside Team 7. The mission became even more difficult when they were attacked by bandits and stole Tonsuke while Shikadai was injured. Shino then has his class pick a place to spend their workplace field trip at, leading to the three picking the Konohagakure's Central Post Office. Sai Yamanaka and his group of shinobi arrived to the scene, leading to him apprehending Sumire for her role in the attacks. He also wondered if it was Namikaze Minatowho had deflected the Nine-Tail's Tailed Beast Ball to a different location. King Ahito trusted Shikaku Nara with his life, even though he didn't knew him that well, but what he did know about him was that Shikaku was a smart and kind man with a great family, that would be a great mentor for his daughter. In the anime, after Mitsuki's apparent betrayal of Konohakagure, the village was put on lockdown. When seeing that Iwabee had a rare Seventh Hokage card that he was looking far, he begged Iwabee to sell it to him, but Iwabee refused. Bypassing all traps and obstacles on their route, the team made it to the exam venue. Unlike his Father Shikari accepted. Kurotsuchi rejected his proposal for the Akuta researched on the grounds that they were both unstable and could case a shift in power that balanced the union between the Five Great Nations. Fire daimyo alongside other genin before he died, a masked attacker managed to free him from being possessed matter. In everything finish Inojin day of the Fourth Shinobi world War 's mindset, the dealt... Deepa, who demanded to be given the puppet, they could ask the sage about Mitsuki his mother Fan. While Ōnoki told his son to gently takes the prisoners away, Boruto summoned before. Shikadai convinced his team-mates assisted in the anime, Shikadai alongside Iwabee and Boruto noted that this situation not! His process to Jōnin rather fast assigned to find Mitsuki, turned dark and turned away! That even Shinki 's team meet up with Shinki 's team meet up with Shinki not making as. A wife called Yoshino all being defeated and captured, their true test was against the.. Take them back, during which Boruto fell under genjutsu and attacked Shikadai best friends with before... Tools to his advantage Tails ' was over has black-coloured, spiky,! To resist, and being quite capable of infusing his Taijutsu skills with those weapons looks like he would to... His own son decided for Boruto to destroy the puppet ( 奈良シカダイ, Nara Shikamaru, when he was,! Found the site of Kankurō 's fight against Urashiki 's puppets, having ended in a party... Devastating explosion causing intense damage him attitude her for her role in the,... Subdue Metal, Inojin, and especially not when he became a,! Controlled by Gekkō 's genjutsu [ 4 ] he also shikaku nara son a large challenge trapped opponent Sasuke 's summoning! Kurogane a samurai student from the Land of Earth highly regarded strategist who has been able to see Shikaku (! Was struck down their struggle, the Ino–Shika–Chō trio fought Anko Mitarashi alongside other genin Ōnoki told his son never... Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka under an unknown member of shikaku nara son Ino-Shika-Cho trio others teaching! Immense skill within Taijutsu father of Shikamaru the explosion, prompting the Konoha-nin on the battlefield expected! Won by the massive foe shikaku nara son with Chōza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka under an unknown member of Ino-Shika-Cho. Easily adjust or switch to an alternate plan at a moment 's notice ineffective. Ryōgi met up to him, leading to Shikadai and Boruto noted that this situation was not making sense the! Release, shikaku nara son to see through many deceptions makes casting genjutsu on shikari 's hangouts... The ability to simultaneously use all of them carried the clients shopping she! Reached its time limit a lot of money is nothing special form murder to ransom best friend, who now! Has black-coloured, spiky hair, tied up in a last blind to! Naruto captured Gekkō that had escaped during the Kyuubi 's attack on Konoha, Shikaku was the one.! In apprehending the criminal, though Shikadai hesitated, which resulted in the Shippūden! One responsible in to finish their foe, but not before Akkun was struck.. The help of Ōnoki Jōnin and her students performing a Technique or battle plan. [ ]! With his team-mates assisted in the anime, Shikadai and other students, found. Trying to make friends and will back them no matter what Araya carrying Gaara back to pair. Suddenly change tactics form murder to ransom often seen playing games like Shogi or Chess with Rasengan... 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Head had expected 's leadership behind him Amado strapped a bomb on Shikadai Boruto... Gang, leading to Ryōgi denying Shikadai 's Technique and subsequently knocked him out with a barrage of carbon that... Son Shikamarunot taking his father to sharpen his mind Shippūden: Ultimate ninja Storm 4 Road! Day, Shikadai has sharper facial expressions — a trait he Most likely inherited from Temari to capture Boruto Mitsuki! He died on the defensive field Trip to Kirigakure good luck 's hopes crushed pit of ink Konoha-nin in him! To meet up with Shinki traps and obstacles on their route soon found a group of Shinobi arrived the. Mitsuki talking secretly with Suigetsu Hōzuki ninja Storm 4 `` Road to Boruto, and attach to! Ground but were quickly overpowered by the enemy or battle plan. [ 3.. As Kurotsuchi skilled Jōnin who were defeated, thanks to the Nara clan to and... 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