Rye . Though Bauman couldn’t confirm that the heifer died of prussic acid poisoning, he says, “While all tests indicated that the prussic acid level in the samples was below the level of concern and cannot be definitively identified as the cause of mortality, the facts that prussic acid was present and persistent, that no major change in diet occurred, and that a heifer suffered mortality while foraging primarily on reed canarygrass is worth a note of caution if using reed canarygrass as an early spring or late fall forage.”. A close relationship between the DE and TDN methods of forage evaluation was expressed in the correlation coefficient of +0.736. Palaton Reed Canarygrass is an outstanding pasture grass in combination with legumes. Plant samples were taken and analyzed for prussic acid. Reed canary - posted in Alfalfa/Hay: Does reed canary grass make quality hay? I know of farmers who have been cutting the same pure reed canarygrass stands of improved varieties for over 20 years. Back to Top. However, it is frost-sensitive and will turn brown quickly after early fall frosts. Anyone had any experience with it? Drought tolerance is higher than smooth Brome grass but less than crested wheatgrass. … Reed canary grass in the year after establishment with and without various companion crops - … The difference in intake was most pronounced during the first week of the period. Bauman, an extension range specialist with SDSU, discovered a dead 950-pound Angus heifer last fall in a small area dominated by reed canarygrass. In the voluntary intake experiment, horses consumed more timothy hay than reed canarygrass hay during the two-week study period. Reed canarygrass can be used for pasture, hay or silage. It tolerates a wide soil pH range, has outstanding persistence, provides better than average forage yields, tolerates any type of cutting schedule, and thrives in both dry and wet soil conditions. reed canary grass. Perhaps no forage species is as perplexing and invokes such a wide range of emotions or adjectives as reed canarygrass. Options for multiple cuttings and resistant to leaf disease. March 7 4 x 1/2 loads 2nd cut alfalfa - $162.50/ton 2 loads prairie hay - $137.50/ton 3 x 1/2 loads reed canary grass - $132.50/ton 1 load CRP hay - $127.50/ton. of nitrogen per acre. I learned this lesson early in my former career in extension when I authored a fact sheet on this grass species that explained its virtues as a forage resource for dairy producers who had fields that were too poorly drained for alfalfa persistence. Daniel Hudson 7,354 views. Reed canarygrass does not necessarily fit every forage production system. Origin and Spread. In hay production the highest yield is obtained at heading; however the highest quality is obtained prior to this. Present address: Department of Dairy Husbandry, University of Maryland, College Park. From an agronomic perspective, reed canarygrass is ironically slow to establish given its ferocious propensity to persist once established. Reed Canarygrass I asked him if he knew what Reed Canarygrass was. Reed canary grass can be used in high yielding hay and pasture lands. Never-the-less special attention at seeding is in order. Is there much of a market for it? In a recent edition of South Dakota State’s iGrow newsletter, Pete Bauman described a personal experience with native reed canarygrass that was growing in a wet area of his pasture. For a Reed Canarygrass variety Chiefton has good seedling vigor. Nope, it was because he was intimately familiar with Reed Canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea. This grass is used in both hay and pasture mixes. The leaf blades are flat, hairless, wide, and come off the stem at a 45 degree angle. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Thanks. Its invasion can cause siltation in irrigation ditches. Careful attention must be paid to timely harvest management, variety selection and establishment practices. Supported in part by a grant from E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company. It is a widespread species native to North America, Europe and Asia. Reed canary grass is a perennial grass that grows in wetlands, ditch banks, moist fields, and along roadsides. Reed canarygrass grows 3 to 6 feet tall and has sturdy hollow stems up to ½ inch wide, with reddish coloring near the top. of nitrogen per acre was equal or superior to the alfalfa hay in the digestibility of protein, fiber, ether extract, and energy, and … Animals would starve before voluntarily eating Reed Canarygrass hay. Flower spikes are large and compact on stems high above the leaves in June and July. While herbicide treatments can control large stands, this method … that reed canarygrass was primarily a pasture

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