Never miss an insight. Die technologischen Fähigkeiten der Arbeiter in Deutschland seien im internationale… We estimate the total market size for subscription e-commerce services is about $12 billion to $15 billion. McKinsey Quarterly. The 2018 Global Survey of Innovation and Investment Incentives is intended to help companies understand the global dynamics that impact the funding of innovation and investment strategy. A recent McKinsey Global Survey shows that companies are satisfied, overall, with their use of metrics to assess innovation portfolios—though many … As the business and economics research arm of McKinsey & Company, MGI aims to provide leaders in the commercial, public, and social sectors with the facts and insights on which to base management and policy decisions. GLOBAL TALENT TRENDS 2018 STUDY UNLOCKING GROWTH IN THE HUMAN AGE 0 NORTH AMERICA WEBCAST APRIL 19, 2018. 4 The fashion industry is turning a corner. Von der Idee, über die Entwicklung bis zum fertigen Massenprodukt bieten wir alles aus einer Hand. The Deloitte Global CPO Survey 2018 Download the full report Action starts here – leading in innovation and making an impact One of the most significant opportunities for procurement leaders is to improve business, procurement, digital and supplier leadership. Business leaders should consider five questions as they rethink their innovation strategies for the digital age. Further, the share saying so has more than doubled since December (Exhibit 5). Our Latest Survey Research The state of AI in 2020 November 18, 2020 – Our 2020 AI survey shows artificial intelligence has become more of a revenue driver. We strive to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. … Changes in trade policy are cited most often on average and in every region as a risk to the global economy’s growth in the next year. Many of the survey results regarding the management of innovation as a process are consistent with a lot of things that we have been … collaboration with select social media and trusted analytics partners The results also indicate a growing divide between emerging- and developed-economy expectations, at both the country and global levels. About Periscope® By McKinsey And while overall positivity on the global economy has declined since December,2 2.In the December 2017 survey, 51 percent of all respondents said they expected conditions in the global economy would Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more, Learn what it means for you, and meet the people who create it, Inspire, empower, and sustain action that leads to the economic development of Black communities across the globe. are the most likely to believe trade levels will increase. nisse des neuen „Global AI Survey“ von McKinsey zeigen: Der Einsatz von KI ist 2019 gegenüber dem Vorjahr über alle Branchen hinweg um ein Viertel gestie ­ gen. 58 Prozent der befragten Unter ­ nehmen setzen inzwischen mindestens eine KI-Lösung ein. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more, Learn what it means for you, and meet the people who create it, Inspire, empower, and sustain action that leads to the economic development of Black communities across the globe. Marla M. Capozzi, Ari Kellen, Rebecca Somers. Respondents’ views on economic conditions and growth prospects have tempered. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. Trade, too, is an area where emerging-economy respondents are increasingly buoyant while those in developed economies are increasingly downbeat. Asian banking behavior has been rapidly shifting toward digital transaction channels in the past three years, pushing for more innovation at conventional banks amid the rising popularity of fintech services, a survey by global business consultant McKinsey & Company reveals. CAGR Assets Under Management by major geographic region, $ trillions. McKinsey Global Institute Since its founding in 1990, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has sought to develop a deeper understanding of the evolving global economy. Use minimal essential McKinsey Global Surveys. Condividi. The U.S. subscription e-commerce or box market continued its strong growth in 2018. If you would like information about this content we will be happy to work with you. He wishes to thank Alan FitzGerald and Vivien Singer for their contributions to this article. Respondents’ views on economic conditions and growth prospects have tempered. Overall, a growing share of respondents say the level of trade between their home countries and the rest of the world has increased in the past year: 53 percent now say so, up from 48 percent in December and 36 percent one year ago. From the recently developed automated FlexiFinish post … Saturday, December 22, 2018 Economic Conditions Snapshot, December 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results Executives report the least-positive views on economic conditions—at home and in the world economy—that they have all year. Surveys are carried out with two years' frequency by EU member states and number of ESS member countries. As it has in each of the past 13 editions of the Global Innovation 1000, this year Strategy&, PwC’s strategy consulting business, identified the 1,000 public companies around the world that spent the most on R&D during the last fiscal year, as of June 30, 2018. Economic Conditions Snapshot, March 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results Global respondents see trade-policy changes as rising risks to growth, and those in developed economies report a more cautious outlook overall than their emerging-economy peers. The United States gains more attention as a destination for new business opportunities. Respondents were aged between 18 and 70+ and responses were selectively evaluated by age category and gender. McKinsey Insights - Get our latest thinking on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. Global respondents see trade-policy changes as rising risks to growth, and those in developed economies report a more cautious outlook overall than their emerging-economy peers. The report and any opinions expressed in this publication are tab. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. Decoding Global Talent 2018 June 25, 2018 By Rainer Strack , Mike Booker , Orsolya Kovács-Ondrejkovic , Pierre Antebi , and David Welch A sk leaders at big companies what worries them, and one of the first things they’ll mention is the challenge of managing a workforce at a … And while “uncertain” and “challenging” remain the most common words that executives in the BoF-McKinsey Global Fashion Survey have used to describe the state of the industry this year, right behind them in third place is “optimism.” As a risk to domestic growth, interest rates are cited nearly twice as often by respondents in developed economies, compared with respondents elsewhere—and most often by respondents in North America, who are about twice as likely as everyone else to select rising interest rates and trade-policy changes as top risks in their home countries (Exhibit 6). Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. Most transformations fail. McKinsey & Company’s 2018 report “The business value of design” is one of the most comprehensive studies to date regarding the ROI of design – a topic that has been a point of concern for many companies hesitant about the value that design can bring. Interestingly, though, respondents in Europe are about as likely to cite the United Kingdom as those in North America and in India. tab, Engineering, Construction & Building Materials, Travel, Logistics & Transport Infrastructure, McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility. Companies are thinking a lot about what these changes mean for their teams and the technology that empowers them. We developed an index that ranks companies by digital operations maturity (or, in short, digital maturity). To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP. Nearly six in ten respondents in North America now expect trade levels will decrease, compared with one-quarter of all other respondents, and with 37 percent in North America in the previous survey. There’s growing concern about the economy among executives polled for a report from McKinsey & Company, an international consulting firm based in New York City.. the most recent survey, just 43 percent of all respondents say the same. Eleven of the fifty companies named in BCG’s 2018 ranking of the most innovative companies—including seven of the top ten—are digital natives and thus digital innovators by definition. Digital upends old models. For complete details on the survey’s findings, download the 28-page report, "CPG Goes Omnichannel: Shoppers Grasp the Digital Opportunity". Sorry, we couldn't find any results. McKinsey Global Institute. Indeed, 94% of companies have innovation on their core agenda and are looking towards their people to drive this. Try removing some filters. Unleash their potential. Since 2012, the Global Infrastructure Initiative Summit has convened many of the world’s most senior leaders in infrastructure and capital projects to identify ways to improve the delivery of infrastructure and get more out of existing assets. From McKinsey Insights: Economic Conditions Snapshot, June 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results Jakarta. The survey can be found on and its free to get a subscription. The McKinsey Global Fashion Index predicts industry growth of 3.5 to 4.5 percent in 2019 compared with a 4 to 5 percent estimate for 2018. hereLearn more about cookies, Opens in new Meanwhile, international-trade changes have become ever more pressing risks to domestic, global… Most transformations fail. How Digital Transforms Innovation Strategy. In Latin America, Brazil is most common (46 percent name it, compared with 8 percent of the global average). The Global Community of Designers and Innovators obsessed with Human Centered Design. To drive change, employers are focused on human skills such as innovation, a global mindset, and complex problem solving that are highly sought-after this year. And while overall expectations for country-level growth are high—61 percent of all respondents expect their countries’ growth rate will increase—respondents in North America are the most likely to expect a decline. Meanwhile, international-trade changes have become ever more pressing risks to domestic, global… As a risk to domestic growth, changes in trade policy are identified second most often (32 percent select it, up from 21 percent three months ago). The survey analyses innovation in Greek companies from three perspectives: • the business perspective on new digital technologies and processes • role of the available types of innovation and methods • influences and barriers to innovation and the implementation of … Subscribe now to the EIT’s monthly newsletter. Time for bold late-cycle moves. When we asked outright about interest rates in respondents’ home countries, 60 percent of all respondents predict that rates will increase in the next six months, up from 50 percent who said so in the past three surveys. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. Global Banking Annual Review 2018: Banks in the changing world of financial intermediation Global Banking Annual Review 2017: Remaking the bank for an ecosystem world Global Banking Annual Review 2016: A brave new world for global banking October 21, 2019 | Report. People create and sustain change. The fashion industry is turning a corner. Strategy& | PwC 2018 -Global Innovation 1000 Fact Pack.pptx Executive Summary –Update on Top 1000 companies 6 • In 2018 total R&D spending by the Global Innovation 1000 increased 11.4% to $781.8B • R&D intensity remains at an all-time study high of 4.5%, with revenue for the 1000 companies rising by 11.4% - driven by increase in sales across all industries Digital upends old models. Flip the odds. Fully one-third of respondents in the region (compared with 15 percent of all other respondents) expect their home economies will contract in the next six months, up from 23 percent who said so in December. Fifty-five hundred corporate-level executives from a wide range of industries participated in the survey. Doch bringt KI ihnen tatsächlich messbare Vorteile? Companies are thinking a lot about what these changes mean for their teams and the technology that empowers them. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. When asked about their home economies six months from now, the shares expecting improvements range from less than 40 percent in developed Asia and North America to upward of 70 percent in India. MGI IN THE NEWS Reports issued by the McKinsey Global Institute are often cited in international media, and MGI authors frequently contribute to leading business publications. The McKinsey Quarterly just completed a global survey of business executives, which focused on five issues: global economy confidence, pricing, workforce, debate over China and India, and IT spending. tab. Conducting research with global executives on the pressing business, economic, and management issues they face. Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. In most countries and industry sectors, an elaborate system of financial incentives is available to fuel R&D, innovation, capital expansion, environmental sustainability, employment, and training. Respondents report renewed optimism on the economy. cookies, About the global survey. In In Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. both cases, the emerging-economy respondents are more likely to be hopeful. our use of cookies, and Learn about The GE Innovation Barometer report presents you the results of an opinion survey of the world's most trusted senior business executives. Something went wrong. ... Graph via McKinsey Digital Manufacturing Global Expert Survey 2018. cookies. Condividi via Mail . SOURCE: McKinsey Performance Lens Global Growth Cube (reflecting 41 country markets), McKinsey analysis. 1 Third-party managed assets. Select topics and stay current with our latest insights, Economic Conditions Snapshot, March 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results. 1: Becoming optimistic about global innovation and growth is possible After almost a decade of uneven progress, a broad-based global economic growth momentum is now in place. (See the companion article “Innovation in 2018.”) For traditional companies seeking to embrace digital, IP is a critical potential obstacle. McKinsey & Company’s 2018 report “The business value of design” is one of the most comprehensive studies to date regarding the ROI of design – a topic that has been a point of concern for many companies hesitant about the value that design can bring. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. About the global survey; Explore countries in the global survey; Appendix 1: EU Funding 2014–2020; Related topics ; About the global survey. In the latest survey, trade issues have also emerged as a threat to growth globally, domestically, and at the company level. Content . Reinvent your business. As innovators shift priorities toward digitally enhanced value propositions for differentiation and digitally enabled processes for speed, strong innovators are extending their edge. Overall, the results underline the central role that the United States plays in respondents’ thinking about growth prospects. Most, if not all, of the others on the list have built digital technologies into their innovation programs. Economic Conditions Snapshot, March 2017: McKinsey Global Survey results. The weaker forecast reflects economic predictions for slightly slower global growth and potential disruption to trade rela- tionships. In addition, 84% of executives say that innovation is important to their growth strategy. Learn more about cookies, Opens in new Innovation in 2018. Reinvent your business. If this is how people choose to live, how will they want to work? Innovation with Industry 4.0. Learn more about cookies, Opens in new And as a risk to their companies’ growth in the year ahead, respondents are twice as likely as in December (26 percent, up from 13 percent) to cite changes in the trade environment. But they are not seeing meaningful bottom-line results,” said Richard Kelly, a McKinsey partner. In March 2018, Periscope by McKinsey conducted online research targeting consumers in France (505), Germany (500), the UK (500) and the US (1026). The contributors to the development and analysis of this survey include Sven Smit, a senior partner in McKinsey’s Amsterdam office. Two-thirds predict their profits will increase in the next six months, as we saw in December, and 58 percent expect demand will increase over that same time. Bei der Produktentwicklung werden wir von mehreren Universitäten unterstützt. McKinsey Global Institute ... October 30, 2018 – Emotional stories help innovative ideas attract attention—and get funded. Economic Conditions Snapshot, September 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results Respondents express declining optimism on the economy, especially in emerging markets. But according to a McKinsey Global Survey on business technology, 1 IT organizations continue to struggle with performance issues, both in conventional IT and in areas that are critical for the future. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, 72 percent of companies are adopting social tools, with the goal of achieving their full potential innovation and efficiency through highly collaborative teams. And while “uncertain” and “challenging” remain the most common words that executives in the BoF-McKinsey Global Fashion Survey have used to describe the state of the industry this year, right behind them in third place is “optimism.” Detailed information on the use of cookies on this Site, and how you can decline them, is provided in our Cookie Policy Learn more about cookies, Opens in new tab . Even in the midst of trade-related threats, respondents remain enthusiastic about their companies’ prospects. GLOBAL TALENT TRENDS 2018 STUDY UNLOCKING GROWTH IN THE HUMAN AGE 0 NORTH AMERICA WEBCAST APRIL 19, 2018. Compiling CIS data is voluntary to the countries, which means that in different surveys years different countries are involved. Article - McKinsey Quarterly Telling a good innovation story. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. Fifty-eight percent of all respondents say conditions in their home economies are better now than they were six months ago—with those in India and Latin America reporting the rosiest views. This survey on economic conditions is conducted every quarter, and the previous version was in the field from November 27 to December 1, 2017. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. A McKinsey Global Survey Executives now firmly believethat innovation is central to a company’s strategy and performance, but getting it right is as hard as ever, according to a recent McKinsey Global Survey.1Some 70 percent of corporate leaders say innovation is among their … Looking towards 2018, there is a new sense of optimism in an industry plagued by uncertainty. the most recent survey, just 43 percent of all respondents say the same. For the 2018 Global Digital Operations Study, we interviewed 1,155 manufacturing executives in 26 countries. Sixty percent in emerging economies believe that domestic conditions will improve, for example, compared with only 40 percent of their developed-economy peers. It's a very thought-provoking read and its based on a survey of over 2000 respondents from several industries. Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. Looking ahead, respondents in developed economies—especially in North America—report more cautious expectations for trade than they did throughout 2017 (Exhibit 4). Innovative Sonderanfertigungen im Direktimport, patentrechtlich geschützte Artikel und ständige Weiterentwicklung neuer Visionen zählen zu unseren Stärken. McKinsey have just released their 2010 innovation survey. McKinsey & Company. Thirty five top management executives responsible for innovation from large private companies drawn from all business and industrial sectors participated in the survey. McKinsey Quarterly. Also consistent with earlier surveys are respondents’ views on the best opportunities for growth. This data was part of the 2018 CEO Outlook, a survey of 1,300 CEOs in 11 countries, conducted in early 2018 by Forbes Insights on behalf of KPMG International. Press enter to select and open the results on a new page. To be included, companies had to make their R&D spending numbers public. Something went wrong. The report includes a survey of 175 people on the frontline of healthcare delivery, and interviews with 62 decision-makers, and is complemented by macroeconomic analyses from the work of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). Condividi su Twitter; Condividi su Linkedin; Condividi su Facebook; Condividi via Mail; Condividi via Mail. respondents in emerging economies are more likely than their peers elsewhere to predict improvements and increasing growth rates in the global economy (Exhibit 2); three months ago, responses from the two groups were roughly aligned. What executives think about the economy: 2004 to now. McKinsey & Company 7 2018 in the mirror –another year of “China speed” development NMPA reform stays the course…for now Broadening of access accelerates HKEX embraces Biotech China innovation reaches global stage Threat to mature brands reaches tipping point Trade tensions begin… War for talents at boiling point China takes center Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. We grouped the companies into one of four categories: Digital Novices, Digital Followers, Digital Innovators, or Digital Champions. O U R PA N E L O F E X P E R T S Kate Bravery Career Global Practices Leader Angela Berg US West Market Communications Practice Leader Brian Baker US Digital Workforce Leader Gordon Frost Canada Career Business Leader Stephanie Penner US East Market Career Business … Learn about 4 McKinsey Global Survey results Innovation and commercialization, 2010 growth companies, where innovation is likely to be a particularly high priority, only 34 percent say their business leaders are effectively held accountable.3 Nearly a third of the current survey’s respondents say their companies are effective in setting For the 2018 Global Digital Operations Study,we interviewed 1,155 manufacturing executives in 26 countries. The United States gains more attention as a destination for new business opportunities. collaboration with select social media and trusted analytics partners According to McKinsey, 80% of executives think their current business models are at risk to be disrupted in the near future. GII 2021 SUMMIT. McKinsey uses cookies to improve site functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and to enable our partners to advertise to you. Friday, September 28, 2018. Please try again later. tab, Engineering, Construction & Building Materials, Travel, Logistics & Transport Infrastructure, McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility. In the December 2017 survey, 51 percent of all respondents said they expected conditions in the global economy would 2 Includes Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. We grouped the companies into one of four categories: Digital Novices, Digital Followers, Digital Innovators, or Digital Champions. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. This will help you better understand the way businesses adapt their innovation practices and strategies in today's challenging economic environment. Respondents in developed economies report a much more guarded outlook on their own economies, the world economy as a whole, and their trade prospects, relative to their peers in emerging economies. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. improve over the next six months; this was the first survey since June 2014 when a majority expected global improvements. Respondents around the world are sanguine about the current state of the global economy and their economies at home, according to McKinsey’s newest survey on economic conditions.1 1.The online survey was in the field from March 5 to March 9, 2018, and garnered responses from 1,230 participants representing the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. Information current as of 1 December 2018. This survey on economic conditions is conducted every quarter, and the previous version was in the field from November 27 to December 1, 2017. Flip the odds. Economic Conditions Snapshot, September 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results Respondents express declining optimism on the economy, especially in emerging markets. Companies earning the most from AI plan to invest in it more in response to COVID-19. This trapped value represents the potential value available that companies are failing to realize. The late Stephen Hawking said: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change,” and this focus on human adaptability certainly weaves through Mercer’s 2018 Global Talent Trends Study Unlocking Growth in the Human Age. Innovation and strategy. Respondents are most likely, as they have been in the past six surveys, to cite growth in existing markets (38 percent say so) as the biggest opportunity for their companies in the year ahead. „Grund dafür ist, dass Stellen vor allem im verarbeitenden Gewerbe immer weniger physische Kraft und händisches Steuern von Maschinen erfordern werden“, sagt Anna Wiesinger, Düsseldorfer Juniorpartnerin bei McKinsey und Ko-Autorin der Studie. Looking towards 2018, there is a new sense of optimism in an industry plagued by uncertainty. 1. McKinsey & Company 3. Among developed economies, respondents in Europe A rise in interest rates is cited as a global risk by 28 percent of respondents, up from 14 percent in the last survey, and is now a top five risk to growth in respondents’ home countries. Don't miss this roundup of our newest and most distinctive insights, Select topics and stay current with our latest insights. Sixty-seven percent of global respon-dents and job seekers who are expert in areas like user interface design, mobile app devel-2018 BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis. The Global Innovation Index 2018: Energizing the World with Innovation is the result of a collaboration between Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as co-publishers, and their Knowledge Partners. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, 72 percent of companies are adopting social tools, with the goal of achieving their full potential innovation and efficiency through highly collaborative teams. GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX (GII) 2018 The main messages of the Global Innovation Index 2018 can be summarized in seven key findings. Explore Content. We developed an index that ranks companies by digital operations maturity (or, in short, digital maturity). Conducting research with global executives on the pressing business, economic, and management issues they face. Respondents in emerging economies say so more often than their peers elsewhere, in contrast to six months ago, when these groups were nearly even in their views, and one year ago, when developed-economy respondents were notably more positive (Exhibit 3). In particular, those in North America are more likely than others to expect declining economic conditions and trade levels, as well as changes in trade policy. Again, those in North America are outliers—the most likely across regions to expect rising rates. The Community Innovation Survey (CIS) based innovation statistics are part of the EU science and technology statistics. Since the Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. Since the last survey, the percentage-point difference between the two groups’ expectations for improving domestic conditions has doubled. According to the report, “Economic Conditions Snapshot, December 2018: McKinsey Global Survey,”* as executives reflect on 2018, their views on current economic conditions are more downbeat than they have been all year, … To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP. By and large, the most common responses are either respondents’ own countries or nearby markets. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. McKinsey Global Institute. In developed Asia, for example, respondents most often cite China and Japan, followed by the United States and Australia. Technology & Innovation Urbanization & Infrastructure Regions ... 2018 – See how the debt of 51 countries has evolved since 2000 in an interactive data visualization. The data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent ’ s nation to GDP... Enter to select and open the results on a survey of the world 's most trusted senior executives! 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