Control weeds the first year by using an application of atrazine at a rate of 1-quart per acre as early as possible in the spring. By year three each cluster’s should be approximately 14″ diameter with about 20-25 stalks and 10’-12’ tall. It grows in a 10-foot, arching shape with deep green, wide leaves. MAKE NO MISTAKE, OUR GIANT MISCANTHUS IS DIFFERENT THAN OTHER MISCANTHUS! Land Assessment Buck Land Assessment 3 to 5 Year Land Assessment Deluxe Package Deer Bedding Area Design Cyber Scouting Assessment Deer Stand Cyber Scouting Deer Cyber Recovery Deer Physical Recovery. The specific cultivar of miscanthus known as Real World Giant Miscanthus has been grown successfully from the Gulf of Mexico into southern Canada. Weed control is important during establishment. They are planted 3-4 inches deep. I could not believe it. Cattle prefer Miscanthus and in Japan it is controlled in fields by allowing cattle to graze beginning in June. Rhizomes can be stored for 2-4 weeks in a refrigerated storage unit. Fertilizer demands are low but a modest fertilizer application about a month after planting will promote growth in both rhizomes and stalks. Clumps are large, but well behaved and not invasive. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Miscanthus in the Garden. Fertilizer – do not fertilize Real World Giant Miscanthus the year it is planted. South Central Michigan A booth at the deer and turkey show in Lansing was selling Miscanthus Giganteus to use for habitat screening. Miscanthus is a woody perennial grass native to Asia that typically grows to heights of 12’ plus. It is established by planting rhizomes (underground spreading stems). Once established you will have the very best screen possible outside of a solid wall. Want a discount? Miscanthus Giganteus is a sterile plant, non invasive, but only grows from root divisions. In September, fluffy, fan-like plumes emerge above … In late winter, frost seed Real World switchgrass into your seed-bed at a rate of no more than 4# per acre. The specific cultivar of miscanthus known as Real World Giant Miscanthus has been grown successfully from the Gulf of Mexico into southern Canada. Most common corn herbicides will be fine to use on miscanthus – Dual, Atrazine, 2,4-D etc. Dare to Compare! South Central Michigan A booth at the deer and turkey show in Lansing was selling Miscanthus Giganteus to use for habitat screening. Miscanthus can tolerate a wide range of soil pH but performance is best between 5.5 and 7.5 pH. … Please email or call Scott 920-255-6388 or We are now accepting orders. This plant is very hardy and makes incredible diverse bedding for deer. Now with Real World Giant Miscanthus you can combine the two tall grasses to create the ultimate screen. Miscanthus is established by planting pieces of root called “rhizomes’. If planted too early in cold soil the rhizomes may not sprout at all. For fertilizer simply use a generic triple-12 or triple-15 fertilizer. For a good screen plant 3-5 rows. How do I go about establishing Real World Giant Miscanthus on my property? It produces new shoots (stalks) annually which average 3 / 8 " in diameter, with 4" average cluster spread. Lilyturf. It is a vigorous plant, roughly quadrupling in a years time! Arching, drooping leaves to 3 feet long, 1 12 inches wide, dark green with white midrib. Do not worry as much about grass competition, but more so with broadleaf weeds during the first year of establishment. 12-14' tall, 3' spread, full sun. They are available April & May each year. Because of the huge yields it produces per acre, miscanthus is used primarily for bio-fuel production. Back up I went, this time to a 7mm-08. Real World Wildlife Products president Don Higgins first planted miscanthus grass on his farm several years ago and was so impressed with what he saw and the potential that this plant offers the wildlife land manager that he put in considerable time and effort learning more about this extremely tall grass. 100 Rhizome Count Bag, 5000 Rhizome Count Bag, 15,000 Rhizome Count Bag. How should I store my miscanthus rhizomes? Plant the first row of miscanthus right down the middle of the seed bed and then a row 2’-3’ on each side of the middle row. Good results can be achieved on a wide range of soils but the key is moisture. That’s my main deer rifle today. Useful as a living screen or hedge, bearing soft-pink plumes in the fall. It is a perennial grass with bamboo-like stems that can grow to heights of more than 4 metres (13 ft) in one season (from the third season onwards). Giant Miscanthus by Real World Wildlife Products is a plot screen that creates hunting entry and exit routes, pinch points and structures native grasses on your land — and it stays up all winter! It can serve as a wall or wind break and is deer resistant so is ideal for forming borders. When weeds outcompete Giant Miscanthus, the result is stunted growth and lack of tillering. I bought mine from Maple River Farms website. Lilyturf (Liriope spicata) is a member of the Lily family, not Poaceae, the family of grasses. If you have decided to take a one to five acre area on your hunting property and make it into a productive bedding area, you can do this by planting switch grass or Giant Miscanthus grass. Miscanthus x giganteus is a hardy perennial that can be harvested yearly, once the crop is established, for a number of saleable uses. Site Location Giant miscanthus can be planted in a wide range of soils. Impressive upright grass to 1014 feet tall, 810 feet wide; self-supporting on stems to 2 inches thick. Giant Miscanthus Silver Grass is a warm season grass that reaches maturity in three years. While some looked great while growing and early in the fall, they would all fall over once the plants died. It gets as tall as any other miscanthus but has more leaf for better screening. Its height gives it a number of desirable properties. How can I create the best screen possible on my hunting property? I bought mine from Maple River Farms website. Zones 5-9. The rhizomes should be planted 4” deep and spaced 18” apart in rows that are spaced 18”-24” apart. Visit & Look Up Quick Results Now On! It can be grown on marginal land, as it uses its own nutrients that have been manufactured by the plant. You can set up entrances and exits to your Miscanthus bedding area with AMBUSH in mind. It grows up to 12 feet tall and is very sturdy and able to withstand snow loads. Be the first to review “Giant Miscanthus”. In New Zealand, the MNZ Miscanthus stand near Helensville has a significant population of fallow deer. They then negotiated with the patent holder of this specific variety and ultimately signed a contract to market it. miscanthus x giganteus. Here are a couple different ways to plant miscanthus to screen hunter movement. Sterile, will not sow. You need about 2000 to 2500 tubers per acre depending upon the design of the bedding area. Another way of creating structure within a field of bedding grass is to plant a non-invasive type of miscanthus within the interior. 1 (800) 203-8590 or Contact Us. Miscanthus Giganteus is a warm weather grass. It is a vigorous plant, roughly quadrupling in a years time! After looking at numerous miscanthus cultivars the Real World team focused on one specific variety that they felt would be the very best for screening and other habitat applications. Search Miscanthus Giganteus Deer. After the first year, only small quantities of nutrients will be needed every two to four years to help maintain good yields. The second year you should see 5-7 stalks from each plant that will be anywhere from 4’-12’ tall. It can be grown on marginal land, as it uses its own nutrients that have been manufactured by the plant. It is a non-invasive grass that does NOT produce viable seeds. Miscanthus (Miscanthus X Giganteus) is a "woody" perenial grass of Asian descent, that when established, will grow about 11 1 / 2 ' yearly. MNZ has seen deer (indigenous) in and near a Miscanthus stand in Illinois where the farmer regarded them fondly and was not aware of any negative impact on the Miscanthus from the presence of the deer. I stuck with a Model Seven, and later swapped the blued version for stainless. When he discovered that there are different varieties of miscanthus he arranged for the Real World team to visit different university, corporate and private test plots around the country. We refused to sell a product that we knew would ultimately not do what was expected of it. It grows in a 10-foot, arching shape with deep green, wide leaves. Remember, every year these plants will expand approximately 4″ in each direction. We tested a lot of different annual plant species but they all fell short (pun intended) of earning the Real World label. Deer love them (arborvitae might be their single favorite food), and the plants don’t handle ice storms very well. M&M Wildlife Products is a Lincoln, Nebraska based organization that prides itself on providing high quality wildlife attractants for hunting and conservation enthusiasts. Just saw your video blog where you were talking about planting a screen in front of your redneck blind so the deer wouldn’t see you entering/exiting the blind. 500 Tubers, 1000 Tubers, 1500 Tubers, 2000 Tubers, 2500 Tubers, 3000 Tubers, 3500 Tubers, 4000 Tubers, 4500 Tubers, 5000 Tubers. Deer resistant. I planted Miscanthus X Giganteus last year and it did really well in its first year of growing. Sandy soils only yield well if rainfall is adequate due to its dry nature. Useful as a living screen or hedge, bearing soft-pink plumes in the fall. Real World Giant Miscanthus Planting and Site Prep Available At A Cost. The rhizomes are planted about 4″ deep and spaced 18” apart and in rows that are spaced 18”-24” apart. Outside of these areas, we ask that you pay for your order and then we will call to discuss the best shipping option. Once established, a single plant spreads in all directions approximately 6 inches each year. It has the potential of creating a screen quickly allowing for evergreens or other plants to grow in the future. As early as possible in the spring, plant 3 rows of Real World Giant Miscanthus in this same seed-bed. Maiden grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus') towers over the shorter deer-resistant grasses, such as blue fescue. This grass is generally planted with individual tubers in rows three to five feet apart with plants three feet apart in the rows. Giant Miscanthus is substantial both in size and in good looks. I like to plant it in the shape of a giant X or T. This allows deer to bed on the downwind side of the miscanthus, no matter from which direction the wind blows. A moderate dose of nitrogen can be applied for increased growth in the spring after the first year. 60-96" (5-8ft) tall x 36-60" (3-5ft) wide. ' Since it is sterile and it must be propagated by rhizome division rather than by seed. The corn … We're not around right now. Deer Bedding Area Design for Giant Miscanthus or Switch Grass. Goats, sheep and horses will also eat Miscanthus. Real World is licensed by the patent holder to market this specific variety of miscanthus. If the shipping price quoted is not acceptable, we will refund your order. Miscanthus is a cold hardy grass that grows rapidly, has low nutrient requirements and has few pests or diseases. $67.70 +$16.85 shipping. Real World Giant Miscanthus rhizomes will start being shipped out March 24th. This will allow the rhizomes to produce a few shoots each that will start to grow through the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Impressive upright grass to 1014 feet tall, 810 feet wide; … If possible, burn your miscanthus every 2-3 years in the early spring. Deer resistant. A well-tilled bed does help the roots establish quicker, but is not necessary. The colder temperatures keeps the rhizomes dormant and slows the growth. When the miscanthus planting takes place at around the end of March, or slightly after if spring is late, it is at a depth of between 5cm and 10cm. Warning – Real World Giant Miscanthus is a patent-protected cultivar. Giant Miscanthus is the same height as other miscanthus but has more leaf for better screening. Miscanthus Giganteus is a warm weather grass. This will get rid of the old thatch and help control and weeds or tree saplings that may be starting. The first year each individual rhizome should produce 1-3 stalks that will be anywhere from 1’-8’ tall depending on location, soil and weather conditions. These figures are an “average” and you may see better or worse results based on your location, weather and soil type. *Ornamental Grasses such as Miscanthus Giganteus *This MN Big Bluestem field is an exceptional deer bedding area during the warm season, but offers little to no … It produces bamboo-like stalks which average 3/8” in diameter. We provide free shipping for Nebraska customers in Lincoln and Omaha. If planted too late in summer (depending on your zone) the plant may not have time to get established before winter sets in. The corn-like stalks turn creamy tan in winter. In fact, the name of this cultivar means "very graceful." Miscanthus Giganteus is a sterile plant, non invasive, but only grows from root divisions. Each plant will spread 4”-6” per year and fill in the rows to create a dense hedge. We strongly encourage you to have your planting site ready and plant your rhizomes as soon as possible after receiving them. Flower stalks soar to 12 foot! Become a member, see our available Membership Options, Copyright All Rights Reserved © Pressured Deer Pros 2017, Cyber Scouting Assessment for Habitat & Ambush. No. Hardy zones 4-9, it is cold hardy. Planting is in early spring when the soil has warmed. After this the individual clusters will start growing into each other and filling in any gaps. Miscanthus rhizomes should be planted as early as possible in the spring into a well-prepared seed bed. Plant the first row of miscanthus right down the middle of the seed bed and then a row 2’-3’ on each side of the middle row. This grass is sterile triploid (three sets of chromosomes) formed by a natural cross of miscanthus sacchariflorus and miscanthus sinensis. Assessing the suitability of land for planting miscanthus or more specifically for giant miscanthus, is essential in ensuring that the crop will grow and thrive as a long term source of sustainable income. By year three you should have great screening cover although it can be very adequate before that. Miscanthus x Giganteus planted for use as deer habitat/cover. *Ornamental Grasses such as Miscanthus Giganteus *This MN Big Bluestem field is an exceptional deer bedding area during the warm season, but offers little to no … Gracillimus ' Miscanthus Grass creates a well-shaped plant of leaves about 5-8 feet tall, and flowering stalks that usually reach about seven feet. Am I saying the 7mm-08 in a stainless Model Seven is the perfect deer rifle for you? How do I maintain my miscanthus and should I fertilize? Just saw your video blog where you were talking about planting a screen in front of your redneck blind so the deer wouldn’t see you entering/exiting the blind. I see no value for food, but like the thought of it growing back every year. It is tolerant of both the tropical heat in southern states as well as the colder northern regions of the United States. It is a good idea to spray a herbicide like atrazine right after planting your rhizomes in a weed-free seed bed. What kind of growth should I expect from my Real World Giant Miscanthus? It has the potential of creating a screen quickly allowing for evergreens or other plants to grow in the future. Giant miscanthus or elephant grass was originally brought to Europe for use in ornamental gardens. Planting is in early spring when the soil has warmed. Giant Miscanthus for Deer Bedding Area - Pressured Deer Pro In New Zealand, the MNZ Miscanthus stand near Helensville has a significant population of fallow deer. It is one of the most graceful plants you can grow in the landscape. Giant Miscanthus by Real World Wildlife Products is a plot screen that creates hunting entry and exit routes, pinch points and structures native grasses on your land — and it stays up all winter! giant silver grass. Oh man! As early as possible in the spring, plant 3 rows of Real World Giant Miscanthus is the same height as other miscanthus but has more leaf for better screening. Mowing is another option but not nearly as good as burning. Many of our high-quality products are bulky and can be expensive to ship. Each takes three years to reach full potential for great deer cover and can last ten plus years and much longer. In September, fluffy, fan-like plumes emerge above the foliage bringing the height to 12 feet. Apply follow-up applications of fertilizer in late winter or early spring. Erect flowers shine in the summer sun, then coppery red plumes open in mid-autumn, creating a great show in the garden. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. For years Real World customers have been using Real World switchgrass to create screening cover. If planted too early in cold soil the rhizomes may not sprout at all. Giant Miscanthus is substantial both in size and in good looks. Just like Pennisetum purpureum, Arundo donax and Saccharum ravennae, it is also called elephant grass. MNZ has seen deer (indigenous) in and near a Miscanthus stand in Illinois where the farmer regarded them fondly and was not aware of any negative impact on the Miscanthus from the presence of the deer. giant silver grass miscanthus x giganteus. Giant Miscanthus is the same height as other miscanthus but has more leaf for better screening. As early as possible in the spring, plant 3 rows of Real World Giant Miscanthus in this same seed-bed. For years our customers have been asking us if Real World was ever going to come out with a plot screen product. Grass Giant Miscanthus - grass MISCANTHUS giganteus. Heavy grazing is a known method in Japan for controlling Miscanthus. It can also be used for screens and food plot dividers. Hardy zones 4-9, it is cold hardy. Do not put rhizomes in the freezer. Start the fall before you intend to plant by creating a 12’-15’ wide seed bed where you want your screen. Basically, you are risking the crop's ability to overwinter." Giant Miscanthus should be taken about a year prior to the planting date. We’ll work to find the best shipping option for you based on the items purchased and your location. Please call 989-513-2365 for details. Plant 10 for a 25' tight screen! What makes this so effective is the tremendous cover it creates and most importantly it allows you to design a bedding area specific for your property. Hedge rowing, field planting, and double rows are featured. Can I grow Real World Giant Miscanthus in my area? item 4 10 Giant Miscanthus x giganteus plants - 12 Ft Tall -Live Plants Deer Resistant 3 - 10 Giant Miscanthus x giganteus plants - 12 Ft Tall -Live Plants Deer Resistant. If Giant miscanthus is a sterile hybrid warm season grass that is native to Asia. (Often listed incorrectly as Miscanthus floridulus) This is a grass of monstrous proportions, forming very tall clumps of green leaves, their tips arching gracefully in layers. It can last well beyond 10 years. Adequate moisture and 60° ground temperature will promote good growth. It is tolerant of both the tropical heat in southern states as well as the colder northern regions of the United States. Giant Miscanthus by Real World Wildlife Products is a plot screen that creates hunting entry and exit routes, pinch points and structures native grasses on your land — and it stays up all winter! (Often listed incorrectly as Miscanthus floridulus) This is a grass of monstrous proportions, forming very tall clumps of green leaves, their tips arching gracefully in layers. Please call before ordering, as we have a limited supply of this product. It will also stimulate the growth of your miscanthus and keep your stand going strong. If broadleaf weeds become an issue later in the summer, spray with 2-4D. If planted too late in summer (depending on your zone) the plant may not have time to get established before winter sets in. Potted in 3" pot. We recommend two to three acres for a given  bedding area. Miscanthus × giganteus, the giant miscanthus, is a sterile hybrid of Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus. In an effort to relax and wind down from a long day, I had just sat down, flipped on the television to my favorite hunting channel and proceeded to watch a self-proclaimed habitat “expert” actually promote planting a non-native, invasive shrub called autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) as a … Read More The trouble is “deer-sized” isn’t very specific — the biggest deer are almost caribou-sized. I see no value for food, but like the thought of it growing back every year. Magnificent, gigantic upright clumps of wide green leaves, that is highly valued as a focal plant or a screen plant. I planted Miscanthus X Giganteus last year and it did really well in its first year of growing. 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