Haldeman, was consolidated with the Journal (1830), of which Watterson had become editor in 1867, and with the Democrat (1844). Another event which seemed likely to consolidate his power was in reality the signal of his ruin. (of businesses) joined to make a single organization: 3…. Under the act of 1899 all these rates are consolidated into a single rate, called the general rate, which is assessed, made, collected and levied as the poor rate, but the interests of persons previously entitled to exemptions are safeguarded. Federal Consolidated Group, an affiliated group as defined in Code § 1504 that has filed a consolidated return of income under Code § 1501. deep. The price of Italian consolidated 5% (gross, 4% net, allowing for the 20% income tax) stock, which is the security most largely negotiated abroad, and used in settling differences between large financial institutions, has steadily risen during recent years. How to use consolidated in a sentence. Bank of America also has an extensive retirement planning center as well as ways to help you consolidate debt. They consolidated their hold on what were, in terms of western European norms of the time, unusually large demesnes. Although the picturesque figures of Manfred and Conradin awakened sympathy among the people of the kingdom, their authority was never really consolidated and their German knights were hated; which facts rendered the enterprise of another foreigner like the Angevin comparatively easy. Over the past several years, we also finalized plans to consolidate U.S. facilities across the ROK. These are the activities you need to find a way to consolidate, or in some cases eliminate. When you consolidate student loans, you are letting one lender gather together all your loans into one monthly payment. The basic lavas are usually darker and denser than lavas of acid type, and when fused they tend to flow to great distances, and may thus form far-spreading sheets, whilst the acid lavas, being more viscous, rapidly consolidate after extrusion. Percussion and auscultation discover consolidation at one apex or over larger areas of the lungs. In this the feathers of the top of the head are very singular, looking like glossy curled shavings of black horn or whalebone, the effect being due to the dilatation of the shaft and its coalescence with the consolidated barbs. In some instances, using a mortgage to additionally consolidate unsecured debt may make financial sense despite the closing costs. During this time Charles consolidated his dominion over the Netherlands. Other homeowners want what is called a cash-out refinance, which involves borrowing up to the amount of the market value of the home, taking any excess cash out to consolidate debt, make a major purchase, or use for investments. The position of the superintendents and of the reformed church generally was consolidated by the Articles of Ribe in 1542, and the constitution of the Danish church has practically continued the same to the present day. To consolidate the saiga monitoring system developed in our previous projects, and to use it in assessments of conservation success. They may subsequently consolidate your debt into a single, lump sum. If you would like to consolidate the debts you have into one payment, this may be a good option for you. Peter now felt able to advance along the path of progress with a quicker and a firmer step. Painful as were the circumstances connected with this rebellion, it is certain that the united action of the different provinces in suppressing it tended to consolidate Canadian sentiment, and the short military campaign had the effect of fixing public attention upon the immense fertile territory then being opened up. Both were composed of settlers in Asia ~Minor, the Black Sheep having consolidated their power at Van, the White at Diarbekr. The Pittsburg Gazette-Times is probably the oldest newspaper west of the Alleghany Mountains; the Gazette was founded in 1786 and in 1 9 06 was consolidated with the Times (1879). Example found several coverage cobra consolidated the assumption that. Finally, it is important to remember that, under the law, you can consolidate only once. (whose history belongs rather to Hungary than to Poland), another great statesman, in no wise inferior to Wladislaus II., completed and consolidated his work. Both are forms of union that are consolidated by means of religious usages. When you choose to consolidate student loans, the interest rate you will pay is calculated by rounding up to the nearest one-eighth of one percent on the weighted interest rate of all the loans being consolidated. It can be a great idea to consolidate debt, but if the debt is consolidated into a higher interest rate, it makes no sense. Your mind needs this time to process emotions and consolidate experiences, memories and even stress. In 1872 they were consolidated, and the present name was adopted in honour of Octave Chanute (b. Minneapolis is governed under a charter adopted in 1872 (when St Anthony and Minneapolis were consolidated) and frequently amended. The primary and model schools were consolidated and improved; the provincial university was given increased aid from the succession duties; various public utilities, previously operated by private companies, were taken over by the province, and worked with vigour and success. 5. The consolidated list of example sentences with consolidated. There are two main reasons for choosing to consolidate student loans: ease of repayment and lower interest rates. War generally follows the secession of a member of a union, and the seceding state, being weaker, is usually conquered and the union more firmly consolidated. In these algae, the colouring matter is said to be yellowish-green, not strictly green, and contained in numerous small discoid chromatophores which are devoid of pyrenoids. His son and successor, Theodore (Feodor), was a weak man of saintly character, very ill fitted to consolidate his father's work and maintain order among the ambitious, turbulent nobles; but he had the good fortune to have an energetic brother-in-law, with no pretensions to sanctity, called Boris Godunov, who was able, with the … NEVA, or FIRM, the name given to the partly consolidated masses of snow and ice which form in the hollows on the sides of mountains below the belt of freshly fallen snow and just above the compact glacier-ice. Matters could only be mended by the exercise of legislative authority, and this came in the Prison Act of 1865, an act which consolidated all previous statutes on the subject of prison discipline, many of its provisions being still in force. Philip's predecessors had consolidated the Capetian power within these narrow limits, but he himself was overshadowed by the power of his uncles, William, archbishop of Reims; Henry I., count of Champagne; and Theobald V., count of Blois and Chartres. I am also a mom of three, and nurturing my three very different babies consolidated practically so much of what I have learned as a clinician and scientist. consolidate all debts by withdrawing equity in a couple of years time. Plenty of companies promise to consolidate your debt, but very few can do so without charging exorbitant fees. Sometimes the laws belonging to this class are codified, or rather consolidated, and then usually by a Ipecial committee of competent lawyers whose work is passed en bloc by the legislature. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "consolidate" His stupid behavior at the party has certainly consolidated his reputation as a total idiotMotokazu Corporation has announced plans to consolidate its manufacturing and sales subsidiaries in an attempt to … During the exile of the latter he steadily consolidated his power, extending his influence more especially over the desert tribes, till on Fesal's return in 1842 he had created a state subject only in name to that of which Riad was the capital. Consolidate all car insurance policies on the same policy, too. Timur not only consolidated his rule at home by the subjection of intestine foes, but sought extension of territory by encroachments upon the lands of foreign potentates. On the east, in the Gangetic valley, Chandragupta (320-296 B.C.) You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Consolidated. Consolidate definition, to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine: They consolidated their three companies. - After the reformation and the crusade the papal monarchy existed, and the next step was to consolidate and extend it. But the conquest was far from complete, and was never consolidated. It was in 1183 that Saladins rule over Egypt and North Syria was consolidated. xvii.) The public debt was consolidated in 1884 into a total of £5,702,000, guaranteed by France, and bearing 4% interest. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: See consolidated used in context: 2 rhymes, several books and articles. consolidate existing successful initiatives and ensure that there is equality of access. National Bank in 1909, and consolidated with. : Broken and devitrified pieces were glued and consolidated, and the painted areas received some infill painting to restore the overall look. Territorial mandates were now tried, which inspired no greater confidence, but served to liquidate two-thirds of the debt, the remaining third being consolidated by its dependence on the Grand Livre (September 30, 1797). Consolidated sentences are functionally similar to concurrent sentences, but probably preferable to concurrent sentences from the defendant’s point of view. The work of Valdemar was completed and consolidated by his illustrious daughter Margaret (1 375 - 1 4 12), whose crowning achievement was the Union of Kalmar (1397), whereby she sought to combine the three northern kingdoms The Union f o into a single state dominated by Denmark. In 1905 West Bay City (pop. The city, settled in 1840 and named in honour of the merchant and philanthropist, Anson Green Phelps (1781-18J3), was originally a part of the township of Derby; it was chartered as a borough in 1864 and as a city in 1893, when the township of Ansonia, which had been incorporated in 1889, and the city were consolidated. Further, as the country became more consolidated and the central government extended its authority over economic affairs, new regulations came into force, new organs of government appeared, which were sometimes in conflict, sometimes in harmony, with the existing system, and it becomes for a time far more difficult to obtain a clear view of the actual working of economic institutions. The lowland is enclosed by an upland or cuesta, known as Chunnenugga Ridge, sustained by partly consolidated sandy strata; the upland, however, is not continuous, and hence should be described as a maturely dissected cuesta. If a portion of your loans feature low interest rates but you have a few loans with a higher rate, you may not want to consolidate them all. Today’s post considers some issues related to the determination of which offense in a consolidated judgment is the most serious. The more the Russian army retreated the more fiercely a spirit of hatred of the enemy flared up, and while it retreated the army increased and consolidated. When finished off, the pots should be watered well, to settle the soil; but they should stand till the water has well drained away, since, if they are moved about while the fresh soil is very wet, there will be a risk of its becoming puddled or too much consolidated. On the removal of the pads, or the cutting out of the face of the mortar where pads were not used, the vacant joint was gradually filled with almost dry mortar, a hammer and caulking tool being used to consolidate it. G.S. The synergy in the consolidated. From 1874 to 1901 it was the seat of Central University, which in the latter year was consolidated with Centre College at Danville, Ky. Corals, both reef-builders and others, flourished in the clearer waters; rugose forms are represented by Amplexoid, Zaphrentid and Cyathophyllid types, and by Lithostrotion and Phillipsastraea; common tabulate forms are Chaetetes, Chladochonus, Michelinia, &c. Amongst the echinoderms crinoids were the most numerous individually, dense submarine thickets of the long-stemmed kinds appear to have flourished in many places where their remains consolidated into thick beds of rock; prominent genera are Cyathocrinus, Woodocrinus, Actinocrinus; sea-urchins, Archaeocidaris, Palaeechinus, &c., were present; while the curious extinct Blastoids, which included the groups of Pentremitidae and Codasteridae, attained their maximum development. The company which took up the mining was unsuccessful, and boring ceased in 1901, but the work was resumed by the Consolidated Kent Collieries Corporation, and an extension of borings revealed in 1905 the probability of a successful development of the mining industry in Kent. This pose served to keep the democrats of the capital in a good temper, and so leave him free to consolidate the somewhat unstable foundation of his throne and to persuade his European fellow-sovereigns to acknowledge in him not a revolutionary but a conservative force. xx. The best sort is gathered by the hand like opium; sometimes the resinous exudation of the plant is made to stick first of all to cloths, or to the leather garments of men, or even to their skin, and is then removed by scraping, and afterwards consolidated by kneading, pressing and rolling. Had Reshid at once advanced over the Isthmus, the Morea also must have been subdued; but he was jealous of Ibrahim, and preferred to return to Iannina to consolidate his conquests. Most of the time, however, the full amount of the loans you wish to consolidate must have been disbursed. They undertook to carry out a general conversion of the consolidated external and internal debts by a considerable reduction of capital and interest, to which the bondholders assented. subject of lunacy was consolidated by an act of the year Lunatics 1890, which again has been amended by a later act. consolidated into 4 key groupings for unpacking and development by small groups on the second day. In most cases, people looking to consolidate debt turn to their current bank. This is often a good reason to consolidate since it will reduce the total amount paid over time. Seleucus reigned in Syria from 312 to 280 B.C., Chandragupta in the Gangetic valley from 321 to 296 B.C. These commissioners had power to consolidate by closing superfluous prisons, to establish one system of discipline, and generally by watchful supervision, aided by the experience of specialists, to maintain that muchdesired uniformity which had been so long and unsuccessfully sought. (1503-1449) who repeated and consolidated the earlier conquest, and established Egyptian suzerainty over all the petty states of Syria and Phoenicia (see Egypt: History, I.). 1. brought together into a single whole. consolidated in American English (kənˈsɑlɪˌdeitɪd) adjective. If you do not have large amounts of debt, the counseling service may decline to negotiate and consolidate your debt. It's not hard to find a provider that will be happy to consolidate your loans, but you don't want to rush into this decision. It was resolved to consolidate the victory by establishing a new naval station at the head of the Sea of Azov, to which the name of Taganrog was given. The Porte was not able at the time to take active measures for the suppression of All Bey, and the latter endeavoured to consolidate his dominions by sending expeditions against marauding tribes, both in north and south Egypt, reforming the finance, and improving the administration of justice. From the Cambridge English Corpus As evidence, each item consolidated and substantiated a prosecution. 1 : joined together into a coherent, compact, or unified whole a consolidated balance sheet [=a balance sheet in which the assets and liabilities of a parent company and its subsidiaries are combined] … By marrying her daughter, Maria Amelia, to the young duke of Parma, and another daughter, Maria Carolina, to Ferdinand of Naples, Maria Theresa consolidated Habsburg influence in the north and south of the peninsula. The consolidated rate was now paid by the occupier, who would profit by economy and lose by extravagance. She revived that faith; she consolidated her throne; she not only captivated the affections of the multitude, but won the respect of thoughtful men; and all this she achieved by methods which to her predecessors would have seemed impracticable - methods which it required no less shrewdness to discover than force of character and honesty of heart to adopt steadfastly. He enlarged and consolidated the kingdom, founded the great city of Nicomedia as the capital, and fought successfully for some time with Antiochus of Syria. COBRA stands for the "Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act.". The definition of Consolidated is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. During the last quarter of the 19th century Turkish influence became preponderant in western Arabia, and the railway from Syria to the Hejaz tended to consolidate the sultan's supremacy. 7. In this mission he was entirely successful, and he is credited with another diplomatic success in the inception of the Austrian marriage. When you choose to consolidate student loans, the interest rate you will pay is calculated by rounding up to the nearest one-eighth of one percent on the weighted interest rate of all the loans being consolidated. system was consolidated by the Educational Unification Act of 1904, in conformity with which the university regents have become a legislative body, subordinate to the state legislature, for determining the general educational policy of the state, and a commissioner of education acts as the chief executive, advisory and supervisory,. The actual terms of the constitution are introduced by a preamble, which runs: " We, the Czechoslovak nation, desiring to consolidate the perfect unity of our people, to establish the reign of justice in the Republic, to assure the peaceful development of our native Czechoslovak land, to contribute to the common welfare of all citizens of this State and to secure the blessings of freedom to coming generations, have in our National Assembly this 29th day of February 1920 adopted the following Constitution for the Czechoslovak Republic: and in so doing we declare that it will be our endeavour to see that this Constitution together with all the laws of our land be carried out in the spirit of our history as well as in the spirit of those modern principles embodied in the idea of Self-determination, for we desire to take our place in the Family of Nations as a member at once cultured, peace-loving, democratic and progressive.". Possibly an adroit repetition in favor of Mangashh and against Menelek of the policy formerly followed in favor of Menelek against the negus John might have consolidated Italian influence in Abyssinia by preventing the ascendancy of any single chieftain. This ruler took measures to consolidate the power of the ardri (supreme king). The actual framing of the British North America Act, into which the resolutions of these two conferences were consolidated, was carried out at the Westminster Palace Hotel in London, during December 1866 and January 1867, by delegates from all the provinces working in co-operation with the law officers of the Crown, under the presidency of Lord Carnarvon, then secretary of state for the colonies. He appears to have consolidated his power by the aid of the Church and by a series of judicious matrimonial alliances. There are three daily newspapers, the Post-Standard (Standard, 1829; Post, 1894; consolidated, 1899, Republican), Journal (1839; daily since 1844, Republican, and Evening Herald (1877), Independent). 3. Sentence of total confinement. Consolidated in a sentence. that consolidated the prestige of Yahweh, Israel's war-god. dates v.tr. Lydia, and aided by lonian and Carian mercenaries, extended and consolidated his power.i By the ninth year of his reign he was in full possession of Thebes. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. There are, nominally, about 200 railways, but about one-half of these, comprising five-sixths of the mileage, have been amalgamated into four great systems: the Grand Trunk, the Canadian Pacific, the Canadian Northern and the Intercolonial; most of the others have been more or less consolidated. Of the measures which William took to consolidate his authority we have many details; but the chronological order of his proceedings is obscure. By his purchase of Avignon, and the creation of numerous French cardinals, the pope consolidated the close connexion of the Roman Church with France: but the interests of that Church suffered severely through the riches and patronage which Clement lavished on his relatives, and through the princely luxury of his court. 18. When you consolidate your online purchases, you can save on shipping and may qualify for special deals and coupon code savings like "save $5 on a $30 purchase.". Do close accounts you consolidate with a refinance. By the last the city and county, which until then had maintained separate governments, were consolidated. If you consolidate, you can often lock in a low interest rate. At Lexington it was consolidated with the old Transylvania University, a well-known institution which had been chartered as Transylvania Seminary in 1783, was opened near Danville, Ky., in 1785, was removed to Lexington in 1789, was re-chartered as Transylvania University in 1798, and virtually ceased to exist in 1859.1 In 1908 Kentucky University resumed the old name, Transylvania University. Consolidate errands into one trip to save on gas. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The service was reorganized in 1662, and in 1711 the postal establishments of the United Kingdom, hitherto conducted independently in each country, were consolidated into one. The use of stem cell transplantation to consolidate responses merits further study. 2 It is then in connexion with the history of inheritance and adoption, and of the gradual evolution from societies held together only by blood-kinship to societies consolidated on other bases, especially on that of local contiguity, that ancestor-worship chiefly calls for investigation. His consolidated empire extended from the river Ancasmayu north of Quito to the river Maule in the south of Chile. This feeling died down to some extent when Constantine made use of the church to consolidate his empire. To consolidate our work in the area of flooding, POST convened a seminar in the House of Commons on 29 April 2002. stem cell transplantation to consolidate responses merits further study. A law of the 9th of August 1902 provided for the conversion of certain gold debts into three series of consolidated debt, at reduced interest. Meanwhile he had consolidated the royal power by persuading Louis XVIII. It is not a coral reef, as is sometimes stated, but is a consolidated ancient beach, now as hard and firm as stone.'. The deposit strictly resembles a consolidated modern boulder clay. 761), was victorious while in his prime, and then consolidated Pictland; but (802-83'9) the Scandinavian sea-rovers began to hold large territories in Scotland,weakened the Picts, and made easy their conquest by Kenneth MacAlpine of Kintyre, the king of the Dalriad Scots of Argyll. His relationship to Edwin may have helped him to consolidate Deira and Bernicia. As most of these credits were spread over a series of years, succeeding administrations found their financial liberty of action destroyed, and were obliged to cover deficit by constant issues of consolidated stock. matrix consolidated by the deposition of secondary silica. The result of the operations consolidated the Latvian Government. Frederick the Great was at that moment impatient to extend and consolidate his kingdom by getting possession of the basin of the lower Vistula, which separated eastern Prussia from the rest of his dominions, while Austria had also claims on Polish territory and would certainly not submit to be excluded by her two rivals. It is no longer the first company in extent of yield, as the Consolidated Tea and Lands Company produced in 1907 about 15,000,000 lb of tea, besides other products. The work of these missions is to extend and consolidate that Catholicized and partly Latinized offshoot of the Nestorians known as the Uniat-Chaldean Church (see ante). In 1506 Albert decreed that the duchy should pass undivided according to the rules of primogeniture, and endeavoured in other ways also to consolidate Bavaria. A town government was formed in 1874, the place became the county-seat in 1880, and in 1883 the two "towns" were consolidated and incorporated as a city under the name Tacoma. You should additionally have the intention of closing the consolidated accounts. Those who have student loans or other student related debt from more than one lender may wish to consolidate that debt into one payment. If you participated in your employer's group health plan, you may have an option to elect continuation of coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). The PSR recommended that Davis was a career offender based on multiple prior North Carolina convictions for burglary. Directed entirely against Roman Catholicism, they did much to strengthen and consolidate the Protestant party in France. Examples of Consolidated Group in a sentence. In 312 B.C. Rock-filling yields and becomes consolidated under heavy pressure, and therefore does not furnish a rigid support of the overlying strata, but rather a cushion to control and equalize the subsidence. consolidated into a quarterly assurance report for the Serco Group plc Board. Consolidated sentence examples. Bayezid now consolidated his Asiatic dominions by the capture of Kaisarieh, Sivas and Tokat from Tatar invaders, the relics of Jenghiz Khan's hordes. consolidated meaning: 1. made stronger and more certain: 2. Various acts were passed in 1822 (known as Martin's Act), 1835 and 1837, and these were amended and consolidated by the Cruelty to Animals Acts 1849 and 1854, which, with the Wild Animals in Captivity Protection Act 1900, are the main acts upon the subject. More noteworthy than its management of internal affairs were the efforts of the Minghetti cabinet to strengthen and consolidate national defence. Simon was thus left to consolidate what had been won in Palestine for the Jews and the family whose head he had become. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a … By abolishing the illusory pensions fund, by applying and amending the Bank Laws, effecting economies, and increasing taxation upon corn, incomes from consolidated stock, salt and matches, he averted national bankruptcy, and placed Italian finance upon a sounder basis than at any time since the fall of the Right. The labours of the publicist would also be much lightened were it possible to consolidate the various general collections of diplomatic acts into a new Corps diplomatique universel, well furnished with cross references, and with brief annotations showing how far each treaty is supposed to be still in force. Corps should continue the attack on the r9th, while the Australians consolidated their gains. From that time Abdur Rahman was fairly seated on the throne at Kabul, and in the course of the next few years he consolidated his dominion over all Afghanistan, suppressing insurrections by a sharp and relentless use of his despotic authority. The dual system of education, established in 1871, was abolished in 1890, and the administrative machinery consolidated under a minister of the Crown and an advisory board. He consolidated and increased the estates of the church, exercised the powers of a count, denounced simony and initiated financial reforms. Rare words are dimmed. 3. A business combination takes the form of either a statutory … The government of Spain having guaranteed the colonial debts of Cuba and of the Philippines, when those colonies were lost in 1898, Spain was further saddled with 46,210,000 of colonial consolidated debts, and with the expenses of the wars amounting, besides, to 63,257,000. Consolidated quotes from YourDictionary: I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. The ideal time to consolidate is after you've completed school and your loans are coming due. VIP consolidated at the low. Lucien now consolidated the work of the soldiery by procuring from the Ancients a decree which named Bonaparte, Sieyes and Ducos as provisional consuls, while a legislative commission was appointed to report on necessary changes in the constitution. The analysis of the consolidated data was set for a later date. A romantic friendship with the king's bastard, Count Ulric Frederick Gyldenldve, consolidated his position. Depending on the size of the debt, there are many ways it can be consolidated. The total bonded county indebtedness was $4,879,600 in 1906 (not including that of San Francisco, a consolidated city and county, which was $4,568,600). There are several reasons to consolidate school loans. A portion of this is carried away by the wind before it is consolidated; a larger portion accumulates in hollows and depressions of the region. Homeowners have the ability to borrow a large amount of money to consolidate debt, at a low interest rate and with a longer repayment period. 🔊 The file cabinet allows us to consolidate our bills and important documents in one place. This city, together with Kearney City, incorporated in 1855 - adjacent to the first "old" Fort Kearney - and South Nebraska City, were consolidated by the legislature into the present Nebraska City in 1858. Macedonia and the regions adjoining it having now been securely consolidated, Philip celebrated his "Olympian" games at Dium. Rather than federalization, of the ardri ( supreme king ) half of the Church can help you create Budget... Data of the 19th century the Dutch found a succession of armed expeditions necessary to consolidate so know. 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