B9 (1999): 20183-20202. Below: a large shipping container providing roaring entertainment as part of a musuem/art exhibit in 2014. Technically this work is amateur in scope and is provided here simply for study. Christchurch earthquake. Above: downtown Christchurch, parking garage demolition following earthquake damage. Photograph: David Wethey/EPA These were the seeds of what Smith hoped would become more of a … Some damaging aftershocks followed the main event, the strongest of which was a magnitude 6.3 shock known as the Christchurch earthquake that occurred nearly six months later on 22 February 2011. ", [19] Toda, Shinji, and Ross Stein. Christchurch Earthquake Rockfall and Landslide Response (1.68Mb) Rockfalls and landslides triggered by the February 2011 Christchurch (NZ) earthquake: the GeoNet response More info about Port Hills, Christchurch Landslide Monitoring is also available here. Contributions are requested to expand this resource, without charge, for scholarly or professional purposes. The median duration of closure for organisations following the February earthquake was found to be 16 days, more than double the duration of closure experienced following the initial earthquake . ", [21] Cocco, Massimo, Concetta Nostro, and G. Ekström. Journal of computing in civil engineering 21, no. At 12.51 p.m. on Tuesday 22 February 2011, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake caused severe damage in Christchurch and Lyttelton, killing 185 people and injuring several thousand. Above: continued demolition of damaged buildings in Christchurch in September 2014. These experts have produced an entire library of failure, damage assessment, and construction research advice and recommendations. Disasters 11, no. Measuring 6.3 on the Richter Scale and, at 4.99 km deep, the earthquake was very shallow. [26] William Ellsworth (ellsworth@usgs.gov), Jessica Robertson (jrobertson@usgs.gov), and Christopher Hook (703-648-4460), "Man-Made Earthquakes Update", USGS, 12 July 2013, retrieved 13 December 2013, original source: http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/features/usgs_top_story/man-made-earthquakes/. Severe ground shaking caused older unreinforced brick and masonry buildings, many damaged in September 2010, to collapse in part or completely. It was the middle of a working day and many people were at school or work, having lunch or running errands. As previously mentioned, two large multi-storey concrete office buildings collapsed, causing 133 fatalities. We didn't think were would get so many more! "Viscoelastic stress‐triggering of the 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake by the 1992 Landers Earthquake. 8 March 2011 . Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. The earthquake struck at … [4] Kovacs, Paul. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan is said to have accounted for more than half of the damage, overall. Earthquake damage Our rating values are intended to include the impact of earthquake damage, so that affected properties pay the correct amount of rates without the need for additional remissions. Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Photo: Supplied / Peter Fleming Built in 1905, the headquarters of the Catholic Church in the city was damaged in the 2011 earthquakes and has sat in a sorry state of disrepair for eight years. "Evaluation of augmented reality for rapid assessment of earthquake-induced building damage." The short-period instruments were installed in the area of aftershocks to enable increased precision of earthquake locations and an enhanced understanding of local fault structure. The highest shaking was recorded at Heathcote Valley Primary School at 220%g, with readings of 188%g at Pages Road Pumping Station and 107%g at Hulverstone Drive Pumping Station. "Fatal and hospitalized injuries resulting from the 1994 Northridge earthquake." [GNS Science]. In September 2011 the authors were requested to prepare an Addendum Report documenting the damage to Christchurch URM buildings in the 22 February 2010 earthquake… Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978–2012) 104, no. Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, 2010. ", [24] Freed, Andrew M. "Earthquake triggering by static, dynamic, and postseismic stress transfer.". Above: leaning building on the Otago Peninsula in 2014; Below: Dunedin: mortar repairs to the separated brick wall offer a bit of history of building movement. [3] Kamat, Vineet R., and Sherif El-Tawil. It has treated over 220 serious injuries so far, even though sometimes they were working by torchlight. Christchurch earthquakes of 2010–11, series of tremors that occurred within and near the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Canterbury Plains region from early September 2010 to late December 2011. Christchurch earthquake: 10,000 homes face demolition ... Mon 7 Mar 2011 03.22 EST. Christchurch's Catholic cathedral damaged after the earthquake, in 2011. Following the earthquake the OpenStreetMap community and the Humanitarian OSM Team have … After the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, damage to the church was much more extensive. The earthquake left extensive damage mostly in the Central City and Eastern suburb areas of Christchurch. A pair of strong earthquakes struck New Zealand in 2010 and 2011, first at Canterbury with a 7.1 magnitude quake occurring on 4 September 2010, and second, the Christchurch quake on 22 February 2011, at a magnitude of 6.2, causing extensive additional new damage to many buildings including structures already weakened by the first event. Below: Sidewalk repairs in Christchurch in 2014. "Injury prevention in natural disasters. Ferry Road 66.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.25 MB. "Using the 2011 M= 9.0 Tohoku earthquake to test the Coulomb stress triggering hypothesis and to calculate faults brought closer to failure. [Click to enlarge any image]. Soil liquefaction and surface flooding also occurred. The earthquake damage, damaged building demolition, earthquake damage re-build or repair, and earthquake-damaged-building reinforcement photographs here give a view of conditions in Christchurch three years after the 2011 Christchurch quake. Additional photographs of other earthquake locations and damage are being added to this series. Liquefaction Lab – Experiment with different scenarios to see how these impact liquefaction damage. Shelves and stock, damaged by Tuesday's earthquake, lie jumbled on the floor in a distribution center in Christchurch February 25, 2011. The quake caused millions of dollars damage to Christchurch City, leaving many people homeless. Saturday's 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck some 30km west of Christchurch, near the town of Darfield. The June 2011 Christchurch earthquake was a shallow magnitude 6.0 M w earthquake that occurred on 13 June 2011 at 14:20 NZST (02:20 UTC).It was centred at a depth of 7 km (4.3 mi), about 5 km (3 mi) south-east of Christchurch, which had previously been devastated by a magnitude 6.2 M W earthquake in February 2011. Commission, Creative Commons [GNS Science]. On Tuesday 22nd of February 2011 there was a 6.3 magnitude earthquake at 12:51pm. The full set of accelerograph data for the Christchurch earthquake, together with PDFs of the waveforms, are available from the GeoNet strong-motion FTP site. These images were taken in 2014 when reconstruction efforts in Christchurch included a mix of ongoing demolition and removal of un-safe structures as well as repair, reinforcement, and new construction of replacement buildings. Earthquake damage of ChristChurch Cathedral‎ (48 F) ... February 2011 Christchurch earthquake 24.jpg 1,600 × 1,067; 208 KB. Christchurch, along with the collapse of a few reinforced concrete buildings, contributed to make the February 22, 2011, earthquake a tragic national disaster of much more severe impact than the earlier, Sept. 4, 2010 Darfield event. 6 months earlier on 4 th September 2010 another massive magnitude 7.1 earthquake caused significant damage to Christchurch and the central Canterbury region, but with no direct fatalities. Further South in Dunedin we also visited some older earthquake-damaged structures shown below. The Christchurch earthquake devastated a thriving city and five years on its still looks like a wasteland in many parts. Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1997. 3:58 PM Tuesday Apr 17, 2012 The February earthquake caused widespread damage to residential and commercial properties throughout Christchurch. Also the two events furthest to the west are mainly reverse faulting and may be considered as part of the aftershock sequence to the September 2010 M 7.1 earthquake rather than the February M 6.3 earthquake. By the fall of 2014, where one might see interior damage remaining un-addressed in buildings in Christchurch it was either inside of a severely-damaged and uninhabited building, or it was relatively minor damage whose repair was not considered urgent. Damage from February, 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New … Following an additional series of quakes in December 2011 the cathedral's rose window that had been braced by the scaffolding in my photo collapsed, and the scaffolding and reinforcement were then bracing little more than open air. [1] Arakida, Masaru. 5 (2004): 403-413. Most of the remaining mechanisms are strike-slip or mainly strike-slip solutions although the orientation of the fault plane is variable. This data contributes to the longer term understanding of landslides and their failure mechanisms. Large rock falls triggered by the earthquake, Sumner, Christchurch. The Christchurch Earthquake (2011) Home; Causes ; Impacts ; Mitigation; References; Casualties, Damages and Other Effects. In March 1987 a magnitude … Buildings have collapsed around Cathedral Square in downtown Christchurch. The eastern … Because this aftershock was centred very close to Christchurch, it was much more destructive and resulted in the deaths of 185 people. licensed under a Creative Commons Below: some building occupants had moved while other less-damaged buildings remained partially-boarded-over but in use. Tremors continue to hit Christchurch and the surrounding Canterbury region, mostly centered around the small Canterbury town of Darfield. The earthquake occurred on New Zealand’s South Island, 10km west of Christchurch, at 12.51pm on 22nd February 2011 and lasted just 10 seconds. [15] Parsons, Tom, Ross S. Stein, Robert W. Simpson, and Paul A. Reasenberg. Portable GPS deployment in Clifton and Redcliffs 185 people died and many buildings were severely injured. EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE PHOTOS Christchurch 2010-2011 at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. Christchurch earthquake damage - 22 Feb 2011 Done. GeoNet is a collaboration between the Earthquake It was a 6.3 magnitude earthquake and the focus was very shallow at 4.99 kilometres deep. Man-made earthquake strikes Christchurch ", [14] Lin, Jian, and Ross S. Stein. Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. The Christchurch earthquake devastated a thriving city and five years on its still looks like a wasteland in many parts. The 2011 Christchurch earthquake On Tuesday 22 February 2011 at 12.51 p.m. Christchurch was badly damaged by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake, which killed 185 people and injured several thousand. A magnitude 6.3 quake struck directly under Christchurch at 12:51 on 22 February 2011, killing 185 people and destroying or damaging around 170,000 buildings. Above: split chimney, St. Cuthberts, in Port Hills, near Christchurch, in 2014. Fish and Chip shop North New Brighton, Christchurch following Feb 2011 quake.jpg 2,070 × 1,552; 641 KB. Our second photo shows shipping containers below an unstable rock face near Sumner NZ. 3500 Homes Destroyed On 22 February 2011, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch shortly before 12:50pm at a shallow depth of four kilometres. [16] Toda, Shinji, Jian Lin, Mustapha Meghraoui, and Ross S. Stein. Professor Wickersheimer specializes in structural failure investigation and repair for wood and masonry construction. Building Research & Information 32, no. In September 1971 a shallow event with magnitude M w = 4.5 caused felt intensities of MM5 in Christchurch. On the 22nd February 2011, a massive earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter Scale hit Christchurch City, in the South Island of New Zealand. As you will note in the photos below, St. Cuthberts was constructed in 1874 using un-reinforced stone masonry. Below: scaffolding surrounds this downtown Christchurch building in 2014. "Measuring vulnerability: The ADRC perspective for the theoretical basis and principles of indicator development." Smaller buildings suffering significant earthquake damage were in some cases protected or closed to entry but otherwise awaited further action. Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards–towards disaster resilient societies, United Nations University Press, Tokyo (2006): 290-299. Ransom, E.& F. Spon, New York, 1987 ISBN 0-419-14270-3, Domestic Building Surveys, Andrew R. Williams, Kindle book, Amazon.com. While most of the un-stable buildings in Christchurch had been demolished or braced (photo above) by 2014, less-urgent evidence of soil liquefaction and quake damage to slabs, roadways, and sidewalks was easy to spot, as in my photo below. The Darfield earthquake (Mw 7.1; ML 7.2) occurred along a previously unknown strike-slip fault in Canterbury Province, New Zealand on 4 September 2010. We also provide a MASTER INDEX to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. ", [17] Parsons, Tom, and Douglas S. Dreger. The damage caused by the February 2011 earthquake was more severe, and occurred during lunchtime on a week day, when many workers were in the city streets. Below: interior wall damage in Canterbury University residential housing on Montana Ave.. Below: fallen plaster in a home in Port Hills outside Christchurch in 2014. Keywords: 2011 Christchurch earthquake; pounding; impact; survey; damage evaluation 1. Christchurch, New Zealand These were taken just after the Sept 4, 2010 7.1 earthquake. Below: gable end bracing at the Catholic Church St.John the Evangelist in Little River, on South Island NZ in 2014. The severest of those events were the earthquake (magnitude from … "Avoiding Foundation Failures," Robert Marshall, "Concrete Slab Finishes and the Use of the F-number System", Matthew Stuart, P.E., S.E., F.ASCE, online course at www.pdhonline.org/courses/s130/s130.htm, Sal Alfano - Editor, Journal of Light Construction*, Bob Peterson, Magnum Piering - 800-771-7437 - FL*, Arlene Puentes, ASHI, October Home Inspections - (845) 216-7833 - Kingston NY, Greg Robi, Magnum Piering - 800-822-7437 - National*, Dave Rathbun, P.E. Below: Shipping containers in port at Sulphur Point, New Zealand 2014. Were severely injured of MM5 in Christchurch NZ in 2014 responsibility to declare if property. 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