Letting go of the things that don’t matter. Are prospective special guardians overseas told that they may wish to obtain legal advice, may wish to make an application for party status and make representations in relation to any plan, or provision for contact? Children’s social workers do not understand the legal context to advise special guardians fully, and can sometimes give misleading advice. The SGO Weekly breaks down news that may have gone unnoticed throughout the previous week. Smartmatic was founded in the late 1990s by three young software engineers: Antonio Mugica, Roger Pinate and Alfredo José Anzola. Because of timescales, they don’t have time to consider the decision fully, and can be pressured to commit to an SGO without a lot of information about what it is and what support they would receive. will be a discussion topic at this year’s Community Care Live, which is free for registered social workers. You gotta check out. Children under special guardianship should also have access to the same entitlements as care leavers, and guidance and entitlement for leaving care provisions need strengthening. The huge growth in the use of special guardianship orders has prompted concerns across the social care sector about the conduct of local authorities and the courts, according to responses to a government consultation which closed last week. Hi Andrea – the idea of “normaility” was expressed to us by social workers when they asked us to take the children we now care for under an SGO. Interim guidance issued by the President of the Family Division in May 2019 emphasised the importance of good quality, in-depth assessments of special guardians which should not be constrained by the 26 week timeframe, where further time is required to assess the quality of the relationship between the child and the proposed carer/s 10. MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. Where a court asks the local authority to assess the suitability of a potential special guardian, guidance should clarify appropriate timescales of three months. It’s really whatever feels right to you. When a relationship breaks down parents will need to reach an agreement on the arrangements for the children. Many local authority policies on family and friends care state that an assessment of financial support will entail a 'comparison between the cost of a "basket" of everyday items such as groceries and clothing, housing costs and utility costs in the UK and the cost of the same or comparable items in the country of residence of the child' 20. Special guardians should have access to the adoption support fund. In practice, Special guardianship orders (SGOs) are increasingly used to place children with kinship carers 4. Accordingly, cross-border cases may be particularly difficult to fit within a domestic framework for assessment and placement for special guardianship. Some judges hold an antipathy towards adoption, which leads to requests to assess family members as special guardians where there is no pre-existing relationship. SGO Winter Meeting breaks attendance record third year in a row The SGO Winter Meeting , held Jan 17-19at the Resort at Squaw Creek, Olympic Valley by Lake Tahoe, CA, broke an attendance record for the third year in a row with 326 attendees—69 more attendees than the previous year. Information about Special Guardianship Orders (SGO) this blog, I want to SGO Info brings together information about Special Guardianship, into a central home, news, resources, updates, events. They have a particular bundle of rights and responsibilities in relation to a child which are articulated in CA 89 s 14C. This video will talk through the steps on how to flat tow a Jeep Wrangler JK behind a motorhome. This article seeks to highlight some of the challenges associated with placing children under SGOs overseas and poses the question as to whether international kinship placements warrant a distinct form of legal framework, which is tailored to meet these challenges. Growth or achievement targets are differentiated to be ambitious and achievable for all students. A 10 week period for ‘settling in’ between the child and special guardian should be carried out if there is not a strong pre-existing bond between child and carer. Three deep. Viability assessments for special guardians are variable in both quality and rigour. Young people under an SGO do not have priority access to mental health services, like other looked-after children, or access to post-18 support. In comparison, 'teenage’ placements have a 50 per cent chance of breaking down. 4. This support will cease three years after the making of a SGO (except insofar as it relates to financial support promised before the final SGO was made). Maria Wright, PhD Candidate at the University of Bristol, and solicitor,  In an increasingly diverse society, the children who come to local authority attention as needing support or protection often have important connections overseas. He's coming He's coming Coming. These assessments have also developed in an ad hoc way with no national consistency or statutory basis. Cross-border cases encapsulate some of the challenges that SGOs can present in practice. Special guardianship orders (SGO’s) rise as adoptions fall. It also raises the question as to whether placements can be appropriately and effectively supervised across national borders.b) What happens if the interim placement is not viable and the court requires the child to return to England? Was about to load up the game when I started to wonder if the water breaks the pathing, even if there was a better path established due to destroyed spikes. SGOs are becoming the preferred option of the judiciary where adoption would have been previously considered, and therefore the focus on what is best for the child has been lost. Glucose test : When the liver is not working well, glucose levels may be low. It’s understandable if you experience negative emotions from a sense of loss. Frequent moves can badly affect children. I am delighted that the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has been able to publish this rapid evidence review at a time ... make an application for an SGO. There should be a greater standardisation of rates payable to special guardians. Where a court asks the local authority to assess the suitability of a potential special guardian, guidance should clarify appropriate timescales of three months. In the case of Re P-S (Children) 8, the Court of Appeal considered the  propriety of guidance suggesting that an SGO should not be made until a child has lived with the carer in question for an appreciable period of time, prompting a review of the empirical evidence on special guardianship 9. From comparing notes on different adoption agencies to asking questions about adopting a child from abroad, this board is also an area to discuss special guardianship. Devising a special guardianship support plan for children who will live overseas will inevitably be a more complex exercise than it would for a child living in the UK. Disclaimer – I agree with the need to support the carers who carer for children placed with them under whatever legal order. How break-ups can make you feel . But in particular, for the purposes of this article, it is unlikely that the assessment will cover the matters required by the Special Guardianship Regulations, unless the assessor is specifically instructed to gather this information and responds to this request 16. SGO Info’s vision is for children to be able to grow up healthy, safely and well cared for within their family of origin and to receive the support when doing so.. SGO Info’s vision is to develop books, information guides, videos and other resources to help professionals and … In some countries, it is possible to arrange post-placement visits by an overseas statutory agency or international social service partner, but the availability of this service will vary. Maria Wright is a solicitor and PhD Candidate at the University of Bristol conducting a study into care proceedings with an international element. If everything seems to go well in the placement, proceedings in England and Wales can then conclude after the expiration of the time limit set. This includes reveals, trailers, and announcements in addition to other news. Go Crazy I said, let's go (crazy) Dr. Everything'll-Be-Alright Make everything go wrong Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill Hang tough children. To continue using our website and consent to the use of cookies, click click 'Continue'. Care planning has become weighted towards SGOs due to objectives to reduce the number of looked after children, and therefore the children and family’s needs are not taken into account. 3. A lack of testing period for the child(ren) and special guardian before the order is made final can contribute to breakdown. *The above concerns and recommendations were collated from the consultation responses by the Family Rights Group (on behalf of the Kinship Care Alliance), Coram, CoramBAAF, Nagalro, the Association of Directors of Children’s Services, the National Association of Fostering Providers, The Fostering Network, TACT Fostering & Adoption. 8 [2018] EWCA Civ 14079 'New Review Commissioned To Address Pressing Questions About Special Guardianship | Nuffield Foundation' (Nuffieldfoundation.org, 2019) https://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/news/new-review-commissioned-address-pressing-questions-about-special-guardianship accessed 4 July 2019.10 Family Justice Council, 'Interim Guidance on Special Guardianship' (24 May 2019)11 Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000; Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children12 Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters; Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters. 19  Special Guardianship Regulations 2005 Reg 5;20  See, for example, London Borough of Hackney, 'Connected Persons (Family and Friends) Care Policy' June 2016, 6.521 Jim Wade and others, Investigating Special Guardianship: Experiences, Challenges and Outcomes (Department for Education 2014) 57.22 Judith Harwin and others, 'The Contribution of Supervision Ordrs and Special Guardianship to Children's Lives and Family Justice' (2019) Centre for Child & Family Justice Research, 145. However the LA did not tell us the children has attachment issues and other psychological issues arising from their early life. make the absolute legal break with their birth family that is associated with adoption. The SGO statement is specific and measurable. BBC News reports that it has seen data which show that the number of special guardianship orders made in England has tripled in two years. If that means taking a break from people, from church, from whatever it is that causes you additional stress…do it. Social workers should assess prospectives SGs throughly but with full disclosure. There should be an approval system for special guardians, with a more rigorous assessment. That said, children should not lose out on the opportunity to live with a carer under an SGO, and the benefits this order brings with it, simply because they have international connections. This may in part be explained by the diversity of child protection systems' orientations across the world 15. It is not always possible for overseas family members to obtain these visas, particularly if they have a poor immigration history themselves 14. SGO is a very large mod which mainly adds perks, traits and statistical changes as well as a handful of features, (more info on the download page) from what i can tell not allot of people have used it because of Sinitars apparent and proceeding reputation in … Local assessments can also be conducted through the direct instruction of a social worker based in the country in question. It would therefore appear that Local Authorities are required to provide special guardianship support services to children even if they live overseas after the SGO is made, provided that they were previously looked after children. This order makes someone a child’s ‘special guardian’. Studies by both Masson et al and Harwin et al identified that in a third of cases sampled, children were not living with their special guardians when a final SGO was made, meaning that the placement was 'untested' as at the final hearing 7. This article has demonstrated the difficulties of fitting cross-border kinship placements into the domestic special guardianship regime. Their key concerns and recommendations are highlighted in the tables below. Each local authority should prepare information for relatives and friends in contact with children, which set out the legal framework and assessment process, the support on offer, and the key issues of its special guardian policy. A special guardianship passport should be established, like an adoption passport, which clearly states the rights of the child in a special guardianship placement. The responses highlighted problems with local authority support for prospective carers, hurried assessments to meet the 26-week timescale for care proceedings under the public law outline (PLO), and an excessive focus by the judiciary on special guardianship rather than adoption. A local assessment may also inform a Special Guardianship Support plan, identifying available support services which can be vital particularly where a child has physical, psychological or emotional needs which will require ongoing treatment, supervision or intervention. At a practical level, assessing the quality of this relationship, and the potential for it to grow and develop, is more difficult when the child and potential carer live in different countries. The Adoption Support Fund (ASF) is available to most children being raised under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO). From a child's point of view, this may be quite a destabilising event. This approach may have previously been relatively common, until case law emphasised that it is often not permissible for social workers to practice in other countries, and in some cases this may be illegal 13. Special Guardianship Support plans may also incorporate a fund to enable the carer to obtain the recognition of the SGO in their home country, either through the provisions of Brussels IIa or the 1996 Hague Convention, by way of a mirror order.A challenge that may arise in the provision of support for overseas special guardianship relates to the special guardians' awareness of their rights, and participation in proceedings. See Leicester City Council v S [2014] EWHC 1575 (Fam) [12]13 Leicester City Council v S [2014] EWHC 1575 (Fam) 14 Home Office Visit Guidance Version 8.0 (April 2019) 1315 Neil Gilbert, Nigel Parton and Marit Skivenes (eds), Child Protection Systems: International Trends and Orientations (Oxford University Press 2011).16 See Special Guardianship Regulations 2005 Sch 1 as amended by the Special Guardianship (Amendment) Regulations 201617 [2018] EWCA Civ 140718  Depending on the circumstance, and in particular the conditions for the interim placement, the local authority may be able to bring an application for the summary return of the child under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction on the basis that the child has been wrongfully retained overseas (provided that the interim placement was in a Contracting State). Community Care has collected eight responses* to the consultation from a variety of social work, charity and representative organisations. 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