“You can’t learn the plays if you are sitting in, *elusive: very hard to achieve or find. Anybody, even my mama, can kick it wide left or wide right. So whether you are reading this book for cultural and historical knowledge or for improving your English, the Bible is still a book for all people at all times.” book introduction, Chinese-English “Crazy English” Bible inside cover, [*2] This may sound impossible to foreign students, but it isn’t uncommon for Christians to generously help each other in times of need, or simply to give a gift as a way of saying “we know you sacrifice a lot to do such-and-such, and we just want to help you.”. - Mark Richt: Well, in God's word He said 365 different times, "do not fear". Christian: someone who believes in the basic truths of the Christian Bible, in particular: (1) Jesus is part of the Trinity (a 3-person union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one God); (2) that sin (human imperfection) makes a human-God relationship as impossible as a relationship between a dirty stick and a hot fire; (3) that Jesus’ death on the cross brings forgiveness of sin to anyone who believes; and (4) that Jesus was raised from the dead to show God’s power, both to do miracles and to forgive sin, and thus to allow sinful humans to nonetheless have an eternal relationship with a holy God. Brady: Stan Schultz – isn’t that a cartoonist? Indeed, there is not a version of the Bible that 365 times says, quote unquote, “Fear not.” For instance, the King James Version says “Fear not” or “Be not afraid” 103 times, but not 365 times. “This crowd is going absolutely, detention: a form of punishment in American schools, when a disrespectful, mischievous, or lazy student must stay at school after others have gone home. ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  advertisement  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~, Michael (USA) taught English in China for 15 years. Facing the Giants is a 2006 American Christian drama sports film directed by and starring Alex Kendrick. Mr. Bridges would probably say that prayer, and studying the Bible, “prepares us for rain” (see quote 11), [*1] “Many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible. In 30 years of preaching I probably said it without checking it out because it was just a cool thought. Which one do you think trusted God to send the rain? Coach (praying in desperation): Lord Jesus, would you help me? Americans love babies, and they love winning football teams. With the “giants” of fear and failure defeating him in football and life, he finds inspiration in his Bible to live for something more important than a football win-loss record. I mean, why is it so hard? Christians believe the Bible is more than just a book, it is truth; and somewhere in there, God has given us advice and examples for how to face any “giant” if we are willing to trust Him to help us. Show me something. (From the time the ball is touched to the time it stops is called a “play” or “down,” and the offense has four downs to move at least 10 yards/meters.) University coach: Well, in God’s word, he said 365 different times, “Do not fear.” If he says it that many times, you know he’s serious about it. There’s more to life than just football, but sometimes a game can teach you important life lessons. (Foreign students will probably not understand this next conversation, but southern Americans find it very funny.). So why do I say that there are more than 365 “Fear nots” in the Bible? He knew that fear could keep us apart so He gives us His inspired words to “fear not” and “be not afraid”. “Next year the coach will try again for that, *ineligible: not allowed to participate because of a rule or law. I think it was a quote from Facing the Giants, the movie. Either way we honor Him with our actions and our attitudes. and a future.”, “I heard a story of Is Coach Taylor a “good coach”? This morning we’re going to begin a series on facing your giants. And I don't know how to beat 'em, Lord. You do have options. Sometimes, the “belt” of major cities in the South (including Atlanta, and all the way to Texas), is called America’s “Bible belt” because so many people there consider the Bible to be very important.[*1]. 3. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Note 2: Football “scoreboards” are used in the movie to show you which team is winning. We weren’t supposed to have a winning season, but we do. Trust in Him with all of your heart. I think it was a quote from Facing the Giants, the movie. Although there’s only a 10% chance of success, many couples have tried in vitro fertilization. Fearful To Fearless: biblical truths to inspire you to live a life free of fear and to worship God. According to “Facing the Giants”, the words of “Do not fear” are mentioned 365 times in the Bible. fear’…, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the So, just try to watch the action. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows … The underlined words are defined in the vocabulary section. At times these challenges get the best of us; stress and anxiety, fear and insecurity. Having done some Bible searching in the past I was doubtful the actual phrase ‘do not fear’ would be found written in exactly that format 365 times, but thought maybe verses which communicated that sentiment in various forms – such as fear not, don’t … two farmers praying to God for rain to come…, In Facing the Giants is daar so ‘n spesiale deel waar ‘n Christians believe that this is something “supernatural” that God does in answer to the prayers of someone like Mr. Brookes in this film. The Bible says that God put us here for him, to honor him.” “We’ve gotta honor him in our relationships, in our respect for authority, in the classroom, and when you’re at home alone surfing the Internet. Final thought: The Bible does not promise that God will make you win all of your football games, but many people find that if … And if we lose, we praise Him. *pregnant: to have a baby growing inside you; also called “to be expecting.” If a pregnancy test is “negative” it means that she is not pregnant; “positive” means you are going to have a baby. But You're my God. *apathy: a general lack of interest that often results in people being unwilling to work for needed change (see dialog 6), bald: to have little or no hair on part of your head, berserk: to act crazy or extremely excited, like at the end of a close, surprising sports match. They are fast, they’re strong. But I’ve also been praying. It has been said that “Do not fear” is in the Bible 365 times. TITLE: Facing Your Giants – Pt. 15 notes. – Mark Richt Resources posted at EFLsuccess.com do not imply any consent from or relationship with any web-hosts, universities, on-line services, publishers, producers, A volcano and disaster at the Fullness of Time, Getting Started with WordPress–my thoughts, www.facingthegiants.com/_images/_resources/FTG_LucadoBooklet.pdf, Coach Grant Taylor: a high school football coach at the center of this story, Brady Owens: Grant’s assistant coach (a white man), J.T. Coach: Mr. Bridges. In the movie, a kid’s life gets turned around, and when his wealthy father notices the change (and realizes that Coach is a major reason), he anonymously buys Coach a new truck. We weren't supposed to advance to the playoffs, but we did. 13. Coach: I admit to you that I have been struggling. #stonewall #isaiah 40:29 #facing the giants #do not fear. 10. Mr. Bridges: Grant, I heard a story about two farmers who desperately needed rain. [i.e., a process of trying to join sperm and egg in a medical lab, resulting in prenancy]. (see “transfer” for a sample sentence), “accept Christ as Lord”: to become a Christian; the process is to (a) admit that you are not perfect and thus need God’s forgiveness, (b) believe what the Bible says about Jesus (see “Christian”), and (c) “confess” or “announce” to others that you have made this decision (to many people, this often includes being baptized). You mean like the country music group, the Gatlinburg Brothers. Mark Richt: Well, in God's word He said 365 different times, "Do not fear." Christ as his Savior. You’d think I’d get a, 15. If you want me to do something else, show me. Football announcer: The tigers will take over and. Coach Mark Richt: In this film, he plays Coach Taylor’s former coach; in truth (at the time the film was made), he is the current head coach for a powerful football team (the University of Georgia Bulldogs). revival: a time when many people become Christians, or get serious about obeying the Bible, at the same time. (Other terms for “accepting Christ” include “make a decision for Christ,” “get saved” and “to be born again.”), *“pick a fight”: to do something that provokes/causes someone to get angry enough to hit you (probably because you want to hit them and think you can win such a “fight”), “run out the clock”: toward the end of a football game, the winning team plays cautiously so that the game ends without giving the other team any more chances to get points, *“shoot straight”: to say something in a clear, honest way, that the other person probably does not want to think about. Thank you for another proof that it does not say it 365 times. David’s Dad: Your actions will always follow your beliefs, David. But you re my guide. Read dialog 10. Final thought: The Bible does not promise that God will make you win all of your football games, but many people find that if they put God first, show respect to each other and to their leaders, and stay humble, then God will give them extra strength to work hard. Coach Taylor (talking to a rebellious player): You can’t judge your father by his actions and yourself by your intentions. See more ideas about facing the giants, christian movies, face. 9. We’re not here just to get glory, make money and die. You can have my hopes and my dreams. Our resources were created for our students under my understanding of “fair use” for educational resources. JT: By the way, some man called looking for you today. Many have been searching the web to find out … And both of them prayed for rain, but only one of them when out and prepared his fields to receive it. Om hierdie stukkies via epos te ontvang, raak deel van die gedagteki groep op die volgende link: “In God’s word He said 365 times ‘do not 12. I know you have a little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.’” Coach Taylor, the Lord is not through with you yet. ¨Well, in God’s word He said 365 different times, "Do not fear.” Now if He says it that many times, you know He’s serious about it, don’t ya? And I can’t give you the children you want. TEXT: 1 Samuel 17:47 See, you’re kicking wide left or wide right. GOLIATH – “Facing Your Giants” 1 Facing Your Giants 1 Samuel 17:40-51 INTRODUCTION: The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future. This word is uses 4 times in two of the poetic books of the Bible. ~ BELOW: "Search our websites" (after the ads, you'll see links to things on EFLsuccess.com and Krigline.com). Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but it’s our attitudes, beliefs, and choices that really matter. Read dialog 11. Well, in God’s word He said 365 different times, “Do not fear.” Now if He says it that many times, you know He’s serious about it, don’t ya? Coach: Mr. Bridges. What does David’s father mean by: “Your actions will always follow your beliefs”? Grant ... Well, in God's word He said 365 different times, "Do not fear." Explain. Because I’m assistant coach. I’m a failing coach with a losing record. He says: ‘Behold, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. Prays for the students as he passes their locker. ~ Michael shares inspiration, photos, music and more at wp.krigline.com (click the photo above to go there). Even when things don’t seem to There is such a lesson to be learned here from David. “Infuse your life with action. *transfer: to officially move from one school to another. Facing the Giants. If you don t want me to have children, so be it. Dear Lord, we come to You with many concerns in our lives. Have you ever thought that it means God always says “do not fear” to us each day in … [The problem] is me, like everything else is me. I’m tired of being afraid. If God goes before me, and He is my provider, then He has already set into motion the very things I will need for when I need them. It is not unusual for one Christian to “feel led,” i.e., compelled by God, to go to another Christian with some encouraging sentences from the Bible. Many words are used in non-standard ways to “report” sports action. kidnapkos. Now, as you’re teaching these guys and ministering to them, I think it’s fantastic. You still have an open door here, and until the Lord moves you, you’re to bloom right where you’re planted. Lord, give me something; show me something. After that, on a regular basis, Christians ask each other for forgiveness, study the Bible together, and pray for each other. There are less than 100 that literally say that phrase. Resources posted at EFLsuccess.com do not imply any consent from or relationship with any web-hosts, universities, on-line services, publishers, producers, etc. I'm tired of being afraid. What does Mr. Bridges mean by: “bloom right where you’re planted”? Brady: Nah, Hindenburg’s where you go skiing in Tennessee. Many have been searching the web to find out the verses that state “do not fear”. “You got a car? Is this just ‘cause you is head coach. Mr. Bridges (visiting the Coach’s office): Revelation Chapter 3 says: “We serve a God that opens doors that no one can shut, and he shuts doors that no one can open. “In God’s word He said 365 times ‘do not fear’… One time for each day…” ~ Facing the giants. It don’t have to look pretty. JT: No, Lindbergh was that blimp that blew up and killed all them people. Jun 27, 2020 - Explore Jennifer Smith's board "Facing the Giants", followed by 257 people on Pinterest. Thousands of couples are unable to have children. Tell about a time like this, or explain why it couldn’t happen. “On this team, no one is, moped: a motorized bicycle or electric bike. One person writes that fear is the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind.-Jonathan Falwell: So many Christians never achieve the maximum potential in their lives because they never conquer the thing they fear the most. Coach (after a doctor tells him that he has a medical problem, which is keeping his wife from getting, Doc: Grant, first you need to realize this is a fairly common problem for men. Facing the Giants (2006) Mark Richt as Self. Normally, a team wears white when they are the visitor, and their own color when they are at home. I can’t provide you with a decent car. 7. [Coach Brady calls out sounds like some people do in church, to show support for the speaker.] Why or why not? “Can I, “winning season”: in sports, this means that your team won more games than it lost that year; the opposite would be a “losing season”. You need to prepare your field to receive it. According to the movie "Facing the Giants" it is somewhere close to 365 times, though it appears to appear just over 100 in reality. You're on the throne. (Read dialogs 12 and 16 if you wish. Why did God stress the importance of avoiding fear, Warren asks, "Because our hurts and hang-ups can often cause us to think that God is out to get us, that all He wants to do is condemn us and punish us. Assistant Coach JT: David, you act like you’re gonna miss before you even kick the ball. When we fear we are hindering God doing what our test says He will do. 6. Talk about a time when someone’s actions were influence by what they believed about a situation. Now send this ball through these pearly posts. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Don't wait for it t... “Don't watch the clock; do what it does. See "About us" for more info. *rival: someone you compete with (in sports, business, love, etc.). Many have been searching the web to find out the verses that state “do not fear”. This film is about the power of faith, hope and love, and it can show you how to face and overcome your own “giants.” (2006; Sherwood Pictures; sports, drama; PG; 111 minutes), Setting: Shiloh Christian High School in the American South (Georgia), early 2000s, Note 1: Religion is a very important part of America’s culture, esp in the South. Lord, if you want me to do something else, show me. Grant Taylor : God can do whatever He wants to do, however He wants to do it. Story:What are you living for? ou oom, Mr Bridges, weekliks na die skool toe kom, en met Sy hand aan elke Actually, it's not true that "fear not" occurs 365 times in the Bible. A Christian is not simply someone born in a western culture, but someone who is an intentional, personal follower of the teachings of Jesus. Should I just stay home and pout about it? God works in mysterious ways, but often through Christians helping each other. There are less than 100 that literally say… Tell your partner what you think a coach’s job is all about. Lindbergh’s the man. David: Dad, I don’t even know why they let me on the team. #Facing The Giants #movie #sports #motivation #death crawl #keep going. That there are 365 "fear nots" in the Bible is a fiction. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. We must face the giant. As far as I am concerned, website visitors are allowed to print/copy these materials for personal or classroom use. Now if He says it that many times, you know He's serious about it, don't ya? We’re not supposed to be here, but we are. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8). We all have to fight battles in this life; perhaps you may be fighting one right now. LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope JT: Gatlinburg? Note 2: My students in China would be interested to learn that Coach Taylor, as a high school football coach with a “losing record,” makes 24 thousand dollars a year, while his wife earns $6000 working part time in a flower shop (2006 figures). Now if He says it that many times, you know He's serious about it, don't ya? JT: No, I thought Charles Schultz was that man that flew across the ocean in “The Spirit of St. Andrews.”, Coach: That’s Charles Lindbergh, and it’s “The Spirit of St. Louis.”. 6 Replies . Grant: This team we’re playing, they’re huge. ), 2. We’re gonna have to change your whole kicking philosophy. Lord, I feel like there’s giants of fear and failure just staring down at me, waiting to crush me. I need you. I could allow myself … ¨- Facing the Giants. The supporting cast was composed of volunteers from Sherwood Baptist Church, and it is the second film that Sherwood Pictures has done. 16 notes. That is not literally true. smurffetin . “Well, in God’s Word, He said 365 different times, ‘Do not fear.’ If He says it that many times, you know He’s serious about it, don’t you?” ~ Mark Richt “Well, I can promise you, win or lose this game, you guys are champions.” ~ Mark Richt “Whether you make this field goal or not, we’re gonna praise Him. It has been said that “Do not fear” is in the Bible 365 times. For details, see our Website Standards and Use Policy. Now if He says it that many times, you know He's serious about it, don't ya? David: I knew I was going to miss it, even before I kicked it. For instance, the King James Version says “Fear not” or “Be not afraid” 103 times, but not 365 times. Brady: [Does] That old man still come every week to pray in the hallway? Lord, I feel like there s giants of fear and failure just staring down at me, waiting to crush me. I promise, win or lose this game, you guys are champions. Once you see how small they really are, you can easily triumph and achieve your goals in life. EFLsuccess.com; ©Michael Krigline, all rights reserved. Fear has held me captive so many times. Lord, give me something. If you’re interested, I’ll put you in touch with the local agency. David: Dad, I can’t even kick it straight. Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that affect us daily. We're not supposed to … But the ball has got to go through the middle. After doing a search for "fear not" in an online version of the Authorized Version, "fear not" came up only 75 times, including those occurrences in the Apocryphal books (those not recognized as canonical by Protestant churches). “When students get to their senior year, they, *referee: an official who closely watches sports matches to be sure the rules are being followed, to announce when points are won, and to give penalties when necessary. You can have my hopes and my dreams. ... How many times do I find myself facing something that isn’t my battle to fight? Not even close to 365. Scripture says, “Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be that find it.” Now, to us, that’s wide left and wide right. Video Credit: Michael Puskas. All men are controlled by their fear. Hawkins Jr.: Grant’s assistant coach (a black man), Mr Bridges: an elderly man who walks down the school hallways after the kids leave, praying for the students and the school. We were just happy to get the win. Note 1: During the games, you probably won’t be able to understand the announcer’s words. I just felt led to come and tell you that today. But the ball has got to go through the middle. 16. But it’s about as expensive either way. What did you think when a parent secretly gave the coach a truck? “Fear” is spoken of over 500 times in the KJV. History even records this happening from time to time on a national or international level. Fret is another word the Bible uses to represent fear. leerder se “locker” raak, terwyl hy hulle aan God opdra in gebed…, http://groups.google.com/group/gedagteki-group. Describe Coach Taylor’s “troubles” or “giants” during the first part of the movie. I have to remember that God has this. I won’t walk into the future alone or ill-equipped. David’s Dad: And I can’t walk. If you don’t want me to have children, so be it. 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