His chief theological and philosophical works were Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion (3 vols., 1772-1774); History of the Corruption of Christianity (2 vols., 1782); General History of the Christian Church to the Fall of the Western Empire, vols. ", The words " on its beginning " - vs, a corruption of rives: - " to its blessedness.". Phanom Sornsilp is currently serving a total of 94 years for the misappropriation of temple funds in multiple cases brought against him. Ex-Hawaii prosecutor, police chief get prison for corruption A former Honolulu prosecutor has been sentenced to 13 years in prison after a judge says she used her husband’s position as a police chief to frame a relative for a crime he didn’t commit in a corruption case that has staggered Hawaii By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press There was also associated in the Hebrew mind a connexion of impurity and corruption with the notion of leaven which was tabu in all sacrifice (Exod. Corruption is the word used to denote things have been corrupted or tainted. These acts may involve dishonesty, in which case prosecutions for theft or corruption might also occur, or they may not. The unrest in France in the years1795-1797resulted mainly from the harshness, incompetence and notorious corruption of the five Directors who, after the 13th of Vendemiaire 1795, practically governed France. Pole was impeached on a groundthe kings less charge of corruption and condemned, but Richard favor- at once pardoned him and restored him to favor, Dc ftes. - He allowed and… The attack on the monopolies was followed by charges brought by the Commons before the Lords against persons implicated in carrying them into execution, and subsequently Fail of ~gainst Lord Chancellor Bacon as guilty of corruption. Opposite the entrance of the Maliac Gulf is the promontory of Cenaeum, the highest point (2221 ft.) behind which is now called Lithada, a corruption of Lichades, the ancient name of the islands off the extremity of the headland. The defeat of this candidate in 1818 led to a parliamentary inquiry which disclosed a system of wholesale corruption, and in 1821 the borough was disfranchised. Butler of the prosecuting counsel attempted to prove that corruption had been practised on some of those voting " Not guilty," on the 26th of May a vote was taken on the second and third articles with the same result as on the eleventh article. Example sentences with the word corruption. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Among the papers he had left behind at Ferrara was a treatise on "Contempt of the World," inveighing against the prevalent corruption and predicting the speedy vengeance of Heaven. The present name is a corruption of the Saracen Kalat-al-Girchc (the castle of Girche, the chieftain who fortified it). alexmarcelo 1 806679 Power corrupts people. No writer who was acquainted with Hebrew history could suppose that there was any relation between the national morality and the abundance of prophetic visions; the period in which such visions were most numerous is precisely that in which the corruption of morals is painted by the prophets in the darkest colours and, on the other hand, the people are said (in Pss. Thus in the pro Caecina he alleges judicial corruption against a witness, Falcula, while in the pro Cluentio he contends that the offence was not proved (Caec. Corruption is the bane of modern society. Guybrush88 806677 Power brings corruption. Published October 4, 2020, 8:22 PM. Elaborate legal machinery was devised, though its provisions were constantly violated by the imperial will and the gross corruption of officials. Meanwhile Savonarola continued to denounce the abuses of the church and the guilt and corruption of mankind, and thundered forth predictions of heavenly wrath. See also Lincoln Steffens, The Struggle for Self-Government; being an attempt to trace American Political Corruption to its Sources in Six States of the United States (New York, 1906). They were therefore naturally open to bribery and corruption, with the result that, while the rich often got off almost scot free, the poor were unduly taxed, and often cruelly oppressed by the tax collectors and farmers of revenue. by Genalyn Kabiling. for extortion in the provinces of Macedonia and Greece, and though he lost both cases, probably convinced the world at large of the corruption of the senatorial tribunals. But despite threats, wholesale corruption and the presence of Russian troops outside and even inside the izba, or chamber of deputies, the patriots, headed by four. The Five Hindrances are (1) Hankering after worldly advantages, (2) The corruption arising out of the wish to injure, (3) Torpor of mind, (4) Fretfulness and worry, (5) Wavering of mind.'" The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The exact location of the Bill well - a corruption of Boiling Well - seems debatable. The state endorsed railway bonds at the rate of $12,000 and $16,000 a mile until the state debt had increased from eight millions to seventeen millions of dollars, and similar corruption characterized local government. corruption in a sentence. from Cologne by rail, pleasantly situated on the left bank of the Rhine at its confluence with the Mosel, from which circumstance it derived its ancient name Confluentes, of which Coblenz is a corruption. Corruption must be driven out of public life. French prosecutors tonight called for a four-year prison sentence for former President Nicolas Sarkozy following a corruption trial. He claimed that the investigation had shown allegations of insider trading, bribery and corruption to … A U.S. judge sentenced a former high-ranking Honolulu prosecutor to 13 years in prison Monday and her retired police chief husband to seven years, saying she stole money from her own grandmother and then used his law enforcement power to frame her uncle for a crime he didn’t commit -- all to maintain the … While hard data on corruption remain frustratingly scant, research is beginning to yield some interesting results. After ten years' training under the tutelage of the woman whose main instrument of policy was the corruption of her own children, the queen of Scots, aged fifteen years and five months, was married to the eldest and feeblest of the brood on the 24th of April 1558. Is a scribe, who recognizes under a corruption the word certainly intended, to perpetuate the error of the exemplar? Now-a-days, corruption is seen everywhere in the society. Syriana Rental and retail: Labyrinthine but involving tale of oil and corruption which won George Clooney a best supporting actor Oscar. Still the whole of Zoroastrian legislation is subordinate to one great point of view: the war - preached without intermission - against Satan and his noxious creatures, from which the whole book derives its name; for " Vendidad " is a modern corruption for vi-daevo-datem - " the antidemonic Law.". The federal trial, however, disclosed a possible corruption problem. How much shall we allow for his position in Renaissance Italy, for the corruption in the midst of which he lived, for his own personal temperament? In Boston, St Louis, Baltimore, and some few other cities, the police board (or commissioner) is appointed by the governor because police matters had been mismanaged by the municipal authorities and occasionally allowed to become a means of extortion and a door to corruption. The corruption within our government corrodes public confidence. That Alexander's reign, which began with so large a promise of amelioration, ended by riveting still tighter the chains of the Russian people was, however, due less to the corruption and backwardness of Russian life than to the defects of the tsar himself. The word is first used in combination in the phrase "tawdry lace," a shortened form or corruption of St Audrey's or St Awdrey's lace. Guybrush88 806677 Power brings corruption. This was on the 29th of December 1829, and after Senator Benton of Missouri had denounced the resolution as one inspired by hatred of the East for the West, Hayne, on the 19th of January 1830, made a vigorous attack on New England, and declared his opposition to a permanent revenue from the public lands or any other source on the ground that it would promote corruption and the consolidation of the government and "be fatal to the sovereignty and independence of the states.". We applaud Ukraine's commitment to curb corruption, promote the rule of law and improve the business climate. Here a fragment of the Hebrew original, which has happily been preserved, reads r ru, " wounded," where the Greek has veepbi = rt :J, which is manifestly a corruption of the former. Under the previously existing law, simony, or "the corruptpresentation of any person to an ecclesiastical benefice for gift, money or reward," renders the presentation void, and subjects the persons privy or … monarch of the forest, I do not indulge in any act of injustice and corruption. no longer deals with idolatry, but with the corruption of society, and particularly of its leaders - the grasping aristocracy whose whole energies are concentrated on devouring the poor and depriving them of their little holdings, the unjust judges and priests who for gain wrest the law in favour of the rich, the hireling and gluttonous prophets who make war against every one "that putteth not into their mouth," but are ever ready with assurances of Yahweh's favour to their patrons, the wealthy and noble sinners that fatten on the flesh of the poor. The first was the chaotic confusion of the finances resulting from the maladministration of the national resources since the deposition of Dom Pedro II., and the corruption that had crept into every branch of the public service. It is not always the case that corruption causes losses to occur, and this therefore makes the financial sanctions applied somewhat arbitrary. Use corruption in a sentence - Example Sentences for corruption The new government promised to rid the country of corruption. In his lectures and sermons he was always laying stress on the unsatisfactory state of the national church and the infamous corruption of the papacy. While members of the government were exonerated by the report from the charge of personal corruption, the payment of large sums of money by Sir Hugh Allan was fully established, and public feeling on the matter was so strong that Sir J. Undoubtedly the corruption scandal is being used by these forces to destabilise the government and whip it into line. Those measures were aimed at eradicating corruption… When Dredd confronts corruption, warfare erupts between good and evil. The cloisters had become cesspools of corruption. the corruption of his age that he was not in the least degree fitted to fulfil the requirements of the supreme ecclesiastical dignity. The name Brahui is (according to Bellew) but a corruption of Ba-rohi (or " hillmen ") in a language derived from Sanskrit which would represent the same term by Parva-ka. (The Star 7 March 2001); • 'MEC speaks out on police corruption—Mokonyane shocked that senior officers worked hand-in-hand with criminals' (The Star 29 March 2001); • 'Stiff sentence for guilty officer urged' (The Star 30 March 2001) • 'Prisoner bribed … EARLSTON (formerly Ercildoune, of which it is a corruption), a parish and market town of Berwickshire, Scotland. (a) It is " a phonetic corruption, perhaps a softening of the original word "; as Bab-el-mandel is a corruption of Bab-elmandeb. The seeds of corruption were thickly scattered. St Augustine introduced the rule for good reason, primarily as means of confronting nepotism and its associated corruption within the Church. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Corrupt" in Example Sentences Page 1. Numerous processions were held, Savonarola's sermons against corruption and vice seemed to have temporarily transformed the citizens, and the carnival of 1497 remained famous for the burning of the "vanities" (i.e. Zimbabweans wait to see whether the ministry will have enough teeth to stamp out already rampant corruption in the bud. Their grievances against Boyer's government included corruption, nepotism, suppression of free expression, and rule by executive fiat. Corruption is also rampant - almost everyone can be corrupt. National politics were put first, to the complete ignoring of excessive taxation, financial extravagance, ignorant legislation and corruption in California. Guybrush88 1611142 These politicians are corrupt. In the imperial administration, the corruption and long-established abuses which had momentarily vanished, began to reappear. He was later indicted on corruption charges. Corruption is in the grave. Unfortunately corruption crept into the expenditure of the large sums necessary to carry out this programme. The whole atmosphere of society was one of rapine and corruption, and only on the frontier a few self-sacrificing patriots like the ban-bishop, Peter Biriszlo, the last of Matthias's veterans, and his successor the saintly Pal Tomori, archbishop of Kalocsa, showed, in their ceaseless war against the predatory Turkish bands, that the ancient Magyar valour was not yet wholly extinct. Examples of accusation of corruption in a sentence, how to use it. 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